Updated: 11:40 pm EST.
The National Weather Service has upgraded the intensity of Hurricane Idalia to a category 4 storm.
Idalia is forecast make landfall on the Big Bend coast of Florida on Wednesday morning. The Big Bend is where the Florida Panhandle transitions to the Florida Peninsula southeast of Tallahassee (capital).

Maximum sustained winds are near 110 mph (175 km/h), and the storm is moving at 18mph. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 25 miles (35 km) from the center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 160 miles (260 km). The storm diameter is 320 miles.
The area from the Aucilla River to Yankeetown, FL were previously warned to expect “catastrophic storm surge inundation of 10 to 15 ft above ground level” in addition to destructive waves from Hurricane Idalia according to the Storm Surge Unit at the National Hurricane Center.” Residents should urgently follow evacuation orders from local officials.”
After landfall, NWS forecasts the storm center to turn toward the northeast and east-northeast, moving near or along the coasts of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina late Wednesday and Thursday.
The state of Florida evacuation information is very difficult (or impossible) to read on a laptop and impossible on a mobile phone.
This is a list of mandatory and recommendation evacuations as of 11:00 pm EST, Tuesday, August 29. Note that mandatory evacuations are rarely in place for an entire county.
Mandatory orders
1. Alachua County – updated
Population: 271,588; County seat: Gainesville
Evacuation Info: We have an Evacuation Order for those who live in mobile or manufactured homes, or if you live in flood-prone areas. If you have flooded during previous storms, you need to evacuate.
Details: https://alachuacountyready.com/incidents/idalia/latestupdates/5070000816
2. Citrus County
Population: 149,383; County seat: Inverness
Evacuation Info: A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for all those in Zone A. Zone A includes everything west of 19 and portions east of highway 19.
There is also a voluntary evacuation ordered countywide for those living in mobile homes, campers, recreational vehicles, tents, and structures not capable of handling category 3 winds.
Details: https://www.sheriffcitrus.org/index.php
3. Dixie County
Population: 16,663; County seat: Cross City
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation order begins at 9am on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, and must be completed by 7pm on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 for all coastal communities including: Suwannee, Horseshoe Beach, Jena and the immediate surrounding areas; mobile homes and manufactured homes throughout the county; recreational vehicles; and low lying areas in the county.
Details: https://www.facebook.com/DixieFireRescue/
4. Flager County – updated
Population: 114,173; County seat: Bunnell
Evacuation Order: Mandatory
Evacuation Info: Potential Mandatory Evacuation Order for Mobile/Manufactured Homes and RV’s being considered for 17:00 on 8/29/23
Details: n/a
5. Franklin County – updated
Population: 11,864; County seat: Apalachicola
Evacuation Order: Mandatory
Evacuation Info: n/a
Details: n/a
6. Gilchrist County
Population: 18,269; County seat: Trenton
Evacuation Info: Gilchrist County has issued a mandatory evacuation for all residents effective today Tuesday, August 29th at 4:00 pm.
Details: https://www.facebook.com/GilchristCountyEmergencyManagement/
7. Gulf County
Population: 14,724; County seat: Port St. Joe
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuations for
- all visitors North of the stump hole;
- Recreational vehicles along C30 and Highway 98 from the Franklin County Line to Mexico Beach, including all of Cape San Blas, Simmons Bayou, Indian Pass, Highlandview, and St Joe Beach.
Voluntary evacuations have been issued for Indian Pass & low lying areas.
Details: N/A
8. Hillsborough County
Population: 1,478,759; County seat: Tampa
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation order began at 2 p.m., Monday, Aug. 28 for Evacuation Zone A; those in mobile and manufactured homes; and residents in low-lying areas prone to flooding.
Details: https://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en/newsroom/2023/08/28/hillsborough-county-issues-mandatory-evacuation-for-zone-a-opens-shelters
9. Jefferson County
Population: 14,394; County seat: Monticello
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation order for: Mobile/modular homes and RV’s low lying flood prone areas. There are NOT any shelters open at this time, if this changes, you will be notified in a new press release.
Details: http://www.jeffersoncountyfl.gov/p/county-departments/emergency-management
10. Lafayette County
Population: 8,690; County seat: Mayo
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation order for all residents living in mobile homes, travel trailers, and structurally compromised housing for the entire county. Mandatory evacuations also apply to those living in low-lying and flood prone areas or structures that have previously flooded during heavy rains.
Details: https://www.lafayettecountyfl.org/emergency-orders/
11. Leon County
Population: 299,484; County seat: Tallahassee
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation for residents of mobile and manufactured homes due to the increasing likelihood of hurricane-force winds. Residents of mobile and manufactured homes within Leon County are required to evacuate from such housing by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2023. The mandatory evacuation is effective immediately for all Leon County residents until the storm passes, at which time residents should shelter in place until winds subside.
Details: https://www2.leoncountyfl.gov/ei/evacuations.asp
12. Levy County
Population: 41,699; County seat: Bronson
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation to commence immediately and be completed by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, for persons residing in
- recreational vehicle parks throughout the County and, to the maximum extent possible, the recreational vehicles shall be removed from the County;
- mobile homes and manufactured homes throughout the County;
- coastal communities in the County; and
- low lying areas throughout the County.
Details: N/A
13. Manatee County
Population: 398,503; County seat: Bradenton
Evacuation Info: MANDATORY Level A evacuation (including all mobile home parks) and VOLUNTARY Level B evacuation, effective at 2:00 p.m., Monday, August 28, 2023.
Details: https://www.mymanatee.org/news___events/what_s_new/idalia_emergency_declaration___evacuation_orders
14. Nassau County
Population: 89,258; County seat: Fernandina Beach
Evacuation Info: Effective 8:00 a.m. on August 29, 2023, an evacuation order is hereby issued countywide for residents of Nassau County for the following: power-dependent special needs individuals, flood-prone structures, vulnerable structures, and mobile homes.
Details: ttps://www.onenassau.com/evacuation-status/
15. Pasco County
Population: 542,638; County seat: Dade City
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation for certain areas of Pasco County and voluntary evacuations for other areas as Tropical Storm Idalia heads toward the Gulf Coast.
You must evacuate if one or more of the following applies to you:
- You live in Evacuation Zone A You live in a manufactured home, mobile home or RV anywhere in Pasco
- You live in a low-lying area or an area prone to flooding
- You live in a structure that historically has experienced flooding during heavy rainfall
- You’re in an area ordered evacuated by local authorities due to life-safety hazards
You should evacuate if one or more of the following applies to you:
- You live in Evacuation Zones B or C
- You’re registered with Pasco as a Special Needs Resident
- You would be vulnerable in the event of a power loss
Details: https://www.pascocountyfl.net/743/County-News
16. Pinellas County
Population: 984,054; County seat: Clearwater
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation of Zone A, including all mobile homes, effective Monday, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m.
Details: https://pinellas.gov/news/idalia-county-orders-mandatory-evacuations-of-zone-a-mobile-home-residents/
17. Sarasota County
Population: 438,816; County seat: Sarasota
Evacuation Info: Sarasota County is calling for the evacuation of Level A. Evacuation Centers will open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, August 29.
Details: https://www.scgov.net/government/emergency-services/hurricane-preparedness-6291
18. St. Johns County – updated
Population: 261,900; County seat: St. Augustine
Evacuation Order: Mandatory
Evacuation Info: n/a
Details: n/a
19. Suwannee County
Population: 45,463; County seat: Live Oak
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation of those living in low-lying or flood prone areas and the order goes into affect Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 at 12pm
Details: https://suwanneecountyfl.gov/emergency-management/
20. Taylor County
Population: 22,436; County seat: Perry
Evacuation Info: The Taylor County Sheriff’s Office is issuing a mandatory evacuation order for all coastal residents. There is also a county wide mandatory evacuation order for mobile homes, travel trailers, and sub-standard housing.
Details: https://www.facebook.com/people/Taylor-County-Sheriffs-Office-Division-of-Emergency-Management/100064410957245/
21. Wakulla County
Population: 33,981; County seat: Crawfordville
Evacuation Info: Mandatory evacuation order is in effect for Coastal and low-lying areas as well mobile homes.
Details: https://www.facebook.com/WakullaCountyFL/
Voluntary evacuation orders
- Baker County
We ask that you evacuate before the storm if you live in a low-lying, flood prone home, or a mobile home. - Hamilton County
If you live in a substandard home or older mobile home you may want to seek shelter with friends or family. As a last resort, you can seek shelter at the Hamilton County High School beginning at 4:00 PM tomorrow (Tues. 8/29).
https://www.facebook.com/people/Hamilton-County-Sheriffs-Office-Division-of-Emergency-Management - Hernando County
Voluntary evacuations have been issued for all areas west of US 19, which includes evacuation zones A, B, and C. All residents living in coastal and low-lying areas, as well as manufactured homes county wide, are included. Residents are advised to seek safe shelter with family or friends that reside in a safe structure. If this is not a possibility, a public shelter will open at 12pm tomorrow on Monday, August 28, 2023 at the below addresses.
https://www.hernandocounty.us/Home/Components/News/News/7960/165 - Madison County
Voluntary evacuation order for residents living in low-lying and flood prone areas, mobile homes, travel trailers/RVs, and structurally compromised housing.
https://www.facebook.com/p/Madison-County-Emergency-Management-100064690746212/ - Sumter County
Those we are advising to consider evacuation out of the storm path or evacuation to a shelter include:- Mobile, manufactured and modular homes and recreational vehicles.
- Low-lying and flood-prone areas near the river.
- Individuals with special needs.
- Those who do not feel safe by themselves.
- Union County
At this time, based on the current forecast, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE all residents that live in mobile home, low-laying areas, and other residences that are not structurally sound to evacuate either out of the area or to family that live in structurally sound homes.
https://www.facebook.com/unionsheriff/ - Volusia County
Volusia County has issued a voluntary evacuation recommendation beginning at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29. People who live in RVs, mobile homes, or low-lying areas
[Note: I have family and friends in the path of this storm, both in Florida and Georgia.]
Also, see
- Georgia and South Carolina under state of emergency: governors
- Hurricane Idelia: about the name
- West coast of Florida braces for Hurricane Idalia (updated)
Featured image: Photo 6485194 © Barbara Reddoch | Dreamstime.com
Hurricane Ike on the Florida coast, September 2008
Image: Kathy E. Gill
Data: Forida evacuation orders
Known for gnawing at complex questions like a terrier with a bone. Digital evangelist, writer, teacher. Transplanted Southerner; teach newbies to ride motorcycles. @kegill (Twitter and Mastodon.social); wiredpen.com