Have you fallen for an anti-Trump hoax? Yes, hoaxes about Donald Trump are being promoted on social media, including on X.com.
This writer doesn’t recommend anyone getting alleged “news” from that cesspool that used to be officially named Twitter. Although its current official name is X.com, it appears that the X in the name is short for Xcrement.
Anyway, about those anti-Trump hoaxes being circulated, the first of them pertains to Trump’s rallies. At least twice that this writer knows of, Trump stopped midway through his speech and started listening and swaying to music. The hoax would have you to believe that Trump did that because he was having a mental break-down.
Uh, no. That is not what happened. In one case, a technical problem stopped Trump from giving his speech. In the other case, someone in the audience experienced a medical emergency. Thus, Trump refrained from speaking while the person in the audience was given medical help.
In both cases, Trump acted rationally.
Another anti-Trump hoax says that Donald Trump staged the assassination attempt on him that took place on 13 July 2024. Uh, no, Trump did not stage it. The assassination attempt was real. No, Trump’s right ear wasn’t partially blown off, but his ear was cut by shrapnel coming from a bullet fired by Thomas Matthew Crooks.
One can understand why anyone would fall for anti-Trump hoaxes. After all, Donald Trump’s mug shot is authentic, as well as his convictions of 34 felonies. However, the anti-Trump hoaxes should be seen for what they are – hoaxes.
The promotion of anti-Trump hoaxes does no good. Instead, the anti-Trump hoaxes give anti-Harris voters motivation to promote anti-Harris hoaxes.
Yes, the hoaxes about Kamala Harris are just as bad if not worse.
One anti-Harris hoax says that Harris is a Communist. One believer in this hoax told this writer that his belief in the hoax comes from primary sources which allegedly prove that Harris is a Communist.
Uh, no, there aren’t any authentic primary sources which prove that Harris is a Communist.
This particular hoax-believer is promoting his own hoax. In his response to me, he states that one is contradicting biblical Christianity if one defends or supports Kamala Harris, and this claim is coming from the pastor of a church.
. . . faith in Messiah Jesus as described in the New Testament is a faith that is politically neutral. The faith as described in the New Testament does not tell one how to vote.
Another anti-Harris hoax pertains to what happened at a Harris rally during which Harris was interrupted by hecklers.
This writer listened to a video recording that was made at the front of the room in which the rally took place. In the recording, this writer heard the hecklers shout, “Lies!” just before Harris looked at the hecklers and responded, “You are at the wrong rally.”
The anti-Harris hoax says that people were evicted from the rally for shouting, “Jesus is Lord!” The hoax is being aided by a second video recording that was made at the back of the room. In the second recording, a middle-aged man at the back of the room says out loud, “Jesus is Lord,” just before hecklers shout, “Lies!” Harris didn’t see or hear that middle-aged man, and she wasn’t looking in his direction when she replied to the hecklers. Instead, Harris looked at the hecklers, who were not near the middle-aged man.
As this writer understands it, two teenage boys went to the New York Post newspaper and claimed that they were evicted from that Harris rally because they shouted, “Jesus is Lord.” This writer knows of no evidence that the boys were evicted for that reason. Somebody in that audience definitely shouted, “Lies!” This writer knows so because he heard “Lies!” being shouted in two different video recordings made from different locations at the rally.
This writer prefers that religion be left out of American politics, especially because the U.S. Constitution forbids requiring political candidates to pass a religious test.
Besides, if one cites religious beliefs as a reason for supporting Donald Trump, then one might be living in Laodicea.

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”