If this is the best Republicans have to offer, I think the Democrats have a good chance to hold on to both houses of Congress. Even Joe Scarborough was appalled.
I really question whether most voters want to put back into power a party that promises two more years of “good old-fashioned gridlock” if they do.
And then there is this. Oklahoma’s economy must be doing much better than the rest of the country’s if pushing legislation to “prevent courts from using international or Sharia law” are as popular in that state as 11 separate ballot initiatives would suggest. Ambinder quotes Newt Gingrich:
At the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. in September, Newt Gingrich positioned himself perhaps to the right of Sarah Palin in a potential bid for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination by saying, “I am opposed to any efforts to impose Sharia in the United States, and we should have a federal law that says under no circumstances in any jurisdiction in the United States will Sharia [law] be used in any court to apply to any judgment made about American law.”
Actually, we do have such a federal law. It’s called the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.