Millions of words have been said and written on how Trump has handled the biggest health crisis to hit the nation in more than a century.
To adequately summarize the dismal results thus far, would take another few thousand words.
While the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is true in many cases, today’s political cartoons, when done well, can convey ideas so much better, so much faster.
Thus, why not use a few political cartoons to highlight the key aspects of Trump’s (mis)handling of the coronavirus crisis.
Fortuitously, such use seems especially appropriate in this case since exaggeration is one of the techniques seasoned political cartoonists use to make their point and not much exaggeration is needed to “cartoonize” the exaggerator-in-chief. Additionally, as one learns in Political Cartoons, “Pompous or hypocritical politicians make the best subjects for editorial cartoons.”
Considering the subject’s propensity to exaggerate and his well-known pomposity and hypocrisy, a few well done political cartoons should do the job.
There is no better place to find such cartoons than at Cagle Cartoons, the top syndication service for newspaper editorial page editors, distributing political cartoons and columns to over 800 subscribing newspapers, representing an impressive list of the world’s most talented and diverse editorial cartoonists, with a broad range of political views.
Here are just a few.
On ignoring and downplaying the threat:
Minimizing the threat:
Nothing to see here:
It’s under control:
Avoiding responsibility:
Blaming others:
Loose with the truth:
Pushing pills:
Pushing for his reelection:
It’s all about me:
Trump’s (heartless) vanity:
“Superspreader of distraction“: