More from my files of refugees. Why do I collect these sad images? To not forget the Catholics, Jews, Roma, the halt, the elderly, the ill, the mentally challenged, the crippled, the mothers pregnant, the men and women who died protecting others who were killed anyway. To not ever forget. And to tell the stories, often by just showing the photo. And because my family is a family of refugees.
These are Hungarian refugees, torn from their homes by the Nazis and whomever left, later marched away from their small farms by the Red Army when Hungary was given to the murderer Joe Stalin to preside over along with all of Eastern Eu and began, with Truman and Churchill’s direct consent, to follow up the ethnic cleansing already five long years in the making throughout E. Eu during WWII.
At the end of WWII, given those consents, over 2 million additional refugees died while on forced marches to nowhere.