NOTE: Due to a system hiccup the wrong byline appeared on this post. It is now corrected. We regret the error.
Apparently (according to Politico), Paul Ryan is so over.
Just months removed from being on the GOP ticket, he has faded from the national political conversation in a way that’s remarkable for a politician possessed with youth, fame and ambition….Politico
Some of the erasure of Ryan has been done by Ryan himself. But he’s had help.
Last year’s It Boy of the graying Republican Party has been bigfooted by the GOP’s new twin heartthrobs, Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Rand Paul of Kentucky. …Politico
Plus, he didn’t live up to the hype.
One thing about Ryan, as Democrats discovered, he’s awful at math. His infamous budget had people who know stuff like how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, rolling on the floor. The Ryan “budget” didn’t enhance the position of Republicans who have shown, over the years, that they are a whole lot better at subtracting than adding.