Once again, I cannot find adequate words to express my feelings as to what is happening to our beloved nation, to our “great society.”
As so often and so regularly is said now, “thoughts and prayers” – while sincerely expressed by most — just do not seem sufficient or pertinent anymore.
My good friend did find words to express his views and feelings — even before Dayton.
Now that we have had Dayton, one must ask: what, where, who and how many next?
For a Common-Sense Gun Law Debate
The standard regret, how can we ever forget?
From Sandy Hook to El Paso today: We still have it the NRA’s way
Texas Governor’s 2015 tweet begged for more guns in the State
He pushed “open carry” to protect: but a real solution he did neglect
Automatic “long guns” are weapon of war
In but a few minutes you can kill a score
A real hunter would not one use
But they’re available to racists, for those “immigrants” to abuse
We can go on forever avoiding the solution
“Oh, it’s our God-given Right: it’s in the Constitution”
I say, give them all our forefather’s flintlocks
Then ban the automatic weapons and then we’ll talk
With racist rants by our own President adding “fuel to the fire”
We encourage hate: and totally avoid a sensible debate
While people die from rapid fire: we’ll hear excuses from a pathological liar
The solution is crystal clear: if we want to protect those near
Ban the ridiculously large ammunition clips and the long guns
In country, by country it has been done
It’s fine if you want to shoot as a hobby
But it’s time to get real about the gun lobby