Thus far in 2017, Oklahoma GOP politicians have worked hard to bring embarrassment to the GOP.
How have Oklahoma Republicans messed up? Let me count the ways.
1) State Rep. Dan Kirby resigned after the Oklahoma House of Representatives’ Special Investigation Committee recommended that he be expelled from the House of Representatives for sexually harassing two legislative employees.
2) State Rep. John Bennett insisted that Oklahoma Muslims fill out a questionnaire before he would let them meet with him. That questionnaire asked Muslims, “Do you beat your wife?”
3) State Sen. Ralph Shortey resigned after being charged with three felonies related to child prostitution.
4) State Sen. Kyle Loveless resigned after the Oklahoma County district attorney began investigating Loveless over possible embezzlement of campaign funds.
5) Then along came state Rep. Mike Ritze, who has made national news by promoting an outrageous idea.
A Tulsa World editorial explains the issue:
No, really. That’s what he said.”
Here is more from an AP story published by the Tulsa World:
With seven more months left in 2017, there is still time for another Oklahoma Republican to embarrass the GOP.
Currently, the Oklahoma Bar Association is investigating EPA administrator Scott Pruitt in order to determine if he lied to Congress.
From the Tulsa World:
Pruitt denied doing so while testifying to Congress.”
Sure, the expression honest politician is somewhat of an oxymoron, but must the Oklahoma GOP have so many morons?

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”