Everyone can relax now.
Trump’s comments about asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s e-mails were only a joke.
When asked on Thursday about it by Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade, Trump said, “Of course I’m being sarcastic.”
It is not clear if Trump was jesting once more when Kilmeade asked him if he would respond to aggression by Putin with force.
“I’m not going to tell you what I’d do. Why would I tell you a thing like that? Wouldn’t that be crazy to tell you what I’d do? You react at the time,” Trump said and added, “we’re going to do this, we’re going to attack here, we’re going to send this many men. No, no. You got to keep it a little bit secret.”
Thank God for little secrets.
One has to keep the Russians guessing as to whether we’d respond to aggression with force or with gestures of appeasement.
Just as it is comforting to know that our possible next commander in chief might just be jesting when he uses the nuclear codes.
CODA: I wish I could label this update as “satire.”
Original Post:
As most readers know, Memeorandum is a web site that collects the day’s political news “scattered across hundreds of news outlets and blogs” and arranges the titles and links to related stories in easy-to-scan related groups. These groups are updated every five minutes “drawing on experts and pundits, insiders and outsiders, media professionals and amateur bloggers.”
Usually, regardless of the subject or issue — especially a political issue — one can always find opinions pro and con whatever the subject or issue is, generally according to which side of the political spectrum the blogger, journalist, blog site, newspaper or news media happens to be on.
Today, in response to the news that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, according to the New York Times that “he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power’s cyberspying on a secretary of state’s correspondence,” Memeorandum’s aggregation of commentary is stark and overwhelmingly negative.
Judge for yourself:
Ashley Parker / New York Times:
Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails — DORAL, Fla. — Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power’s cyberspying on a secretary of state’s correspondence.
Greg Sargent / Washington Post: Trump urges Russia to help expose Clinton’s emails. When will this be too much for Republicans?
Charles Johnson / Little Green Footballs: In Which Donald Trump Encourages Russia to Spy on the US
Zack Beauchamp / Vox: The controversy over Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, explained
Arturo Garcia / Raw Story: DON’T MISS STORIES. FOLLOW RAW STORY! — Young Turks host …
Jonathan Freedland / Guardian: Trump doesn’t have to be Putin’s agent. It’s bad enough that he is a fan
Nathan Ingraham / Engadget: Trump wants Russia to hack the US government (updated)
Al Jazeera English: Trump urges Russia to find Clinton’s missing emails
Associated Press: The Latest: Paul Ryan Spokesman Calls Putin a ‘Devious Thug’
Louise Mensch / Heat Street: “Trump Treason” Trends on Twitter As Donald Asks Putin to Spy on the US
Bryan Clark / The Next Web: WikiLeaks Founder: DNC email leaks are just the beginning
Andrea Germanos / Common Dreams: Trump Basically Encourages Russia to Hack Clinton Emails
James Fallows / The Atlantic: Trump Time Capsule #59: ‘I Hope Putin Has Hillary’s Emails’
Media Matters for America: Trump Campaign Adopts Right-Wing Media’s Clinton Server Canard To Deflect From Trump’s Alleged Russian Ties
John Aravosis / AMERICAblog NewsAMERICAblog News: Trump just urged Putin to steal American classified intelligence to help his campaign
Benjamin Hardy / Arkansas Blog, Arkansas Times: GOP presidential nominee encourages Russia to spy on former secretary of state
Noah Millman / The American Conservative: Does It Matter If Putin Wants Trump?
Sophie Kleeman / Gizmodo: Donald Trump Just Asked Russia to Hack Hillary Clinton’s Emails
Andy Towle / Towleroad: Donald Trump Tells Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 Missing Emails: WATCH
Saagar Enjeti / The Daily Caller: Pence Breaks With Trump On Russian Hacking
France 24: An embarrassing leak of Democrat emails ahead of their party’s …
Betty Cracker / Balloon Juice: Dare Call It Treason
Jeva Lange / The Week: Obama, Biden to speak at Democratic convention Day 3
David Rutz / Washington Free Beacon: Obama on Trump Potentially Beating Clinton: ‘Anything Is Possible’
David Colon / Gothamist: Trump Publicly Asks Russia To Hack Hillary Clinton
The Daily Beast: Pence: If Russia Hacked DNC, They Must Face Consequences
Upyernoz / rubber hose: For the history books
Julia Ioffe / Foreign Policy: Is Trump a Russian Stooge?
Will this diminish the popularity of Donald Trump among his base? Probably and regrettably not.
The above Memeorandum “page” was published at 5:55 PM ET, July 27, 2016
Courtesy Memeroandum.com
Image (“He ain’t heavy, he’s my buddy) Courtesy DonkeyHotey.com