It has begun in earnest now: the experts, non-experts and even the psychics (you don’t see as many of them going out on a limb as they used to in the good, ‘ol days of Jeane Dixon) are making predictions now on Presidential election 2008.
So here is a guide for those of you who want to see what others — using their expert, non-expert and “little voice” expertise — are seeing is in the cards for election night 2008.
1. The Politico’s Arena Election Prediction Challenge-2008: The Politico will update their predictions periodically. CLICK HERE and to read the latest long list from experts, activists and others of both parties. To boil this entry down: let’s just say if they had Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity weigh in, then there might be some diversity about what most now believe will happen on election day.
The Politico’s panel is quite impressive. They’ve avoided any charge of bias (it ain’t Fox News and it ain’t Countdown) by assembling an excellent cross section of analysts, pundits and even one comedian (although it could be argued that in retrospect the accuracy of the conventional wisdom in 2008 later seemed to have been comedy). A MUST-FOLLOW until Election Day.
Individual weblogs may also have writers’ who’ll make predictions the closer we get to election day. We modestly urge you to surf The Moderate Voice’s extensive blogroll, which is divided into left, center, right and other voices. We USE this blogroll and often link to the blogs on this site. It’ll give you a good cross section of perspectives and — most assuredly — strong opinions, often grounded in specific ideological viewpoints. (While we do not agree with every opinion on all of the blogs listed on TMV’s blogroll, we visit them often).
2. Astrology and Psychic Predictions: Once upon a time there were lots of psychics who took deep breaths and confidently predicted what was about to unfold, often being flat-wrong but sometimes accurate. One of the best sites on the Internet for predictions is the blog Astrology and Psychic Predictions which gives some major predictions IN THIS POST about battleground states and what will happen on election day. Warning: this site keeps putting up new posts and it can become addicting. The bottom line outcome is the same as what The Politico’s Arena participants foresee.
Note that psychics often quite openly display their political preferences, but that doesn’t mean they offer their predictions as a kind of spin. Here’s an astrological take from a different perspective.
One astrologer predicts lots of controversy on election day…
Bookmark these sites if you enjoy reading the predictions game (it can be fun, just don’t place money in Vegas on what you read) — and be sure to visit us here at TMV to get your daily dose of predictions from our many writers.
UPDATE: Nov. 3, 2008…The night before the elections we see some other psychics weighing in:
–Jess Johnson sees this:
Barack Obama will be our 44th president. At least that’s what Manassas psychic Jess Johnson predicts.
But, Obama supporters, don’t breathe easy just yet.
“I felt some type of conspiracy,” Johnson, who also co-owns a contracting company with her husband, said. “There’s going to be difficulty with the vote count. It’s going to be close. It’s going to be very close.”
Johnson has been a professional psychic for 28 years. She performs palm, tarot and crystal read-ings, as well as life coaching, meditation and spiritual guidance.
She said she instantly felt Obama would win by votes when she meditated on predicting the out-come of the 2008 presidential election. She said there might be some conspiracy, miscalculated or miscount votes, she’s not sure. Still, Obama will be our next president.
Virginia’s 13 electoral votes will go to the senator from Illinois as well. But, Johnson said it’s a bit murkier to predict Prince William County.
“Technically it’s Obama, on paper it may say McCain,” said Johnson, whose sessions run from $45 to $100. “Not all of the community is going to vote the way they should this year.”
This means supporters may not even show up to the polls she said. She added she’s not sure why this might happen in the county.
Johnson also said she believed McCain would have won if he did not pick Sarah Palin as his running mate.
“I felt that McCain lost a lot of votes,” Johnson said, “by picking her, Palin, it caused him to lose the presidency.
–And tarot card reader Carol St. James gives Obama supports reason for joy — and forboding:
St. James runs a national psychic hot line and is owner of Carol St. James & Associates, Coatesville.
“People have very strong feelings about the election, but they’re mostly talking about the vice presidential candidates,” St. James said. “They seem much more concerned about the VP than who the president will be.”
It doesn’t take a psychic to know that the replacement candidates for President Bush and Vice President Cheney are, of course, Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden and Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin.
St. James said astrology and tarot cards point to an Obama win.
“Not everyone has liked my answer, of course,” she said.
And not many people will like this as well: St. James said she isn’t getting a particularly good vibe about what might happen to the next president.
She said she hasn’t seen anything specific regarding that bad vibe, but then again she hasn’t been too keen on looking further into it anyway.
Eerily, that’s similar to the prediction of Robert Moyer, an Exeter Township tarot reader who hosts “Tuning In” on Berks Community Television.
Moyer also interprets dreams and hosted a seance Thursday night at the Historical Society of Berks County’s Hendel House, 746 Centre Ave.
“I’ve been having dreams of the rotunda in the Capitol building in Washington and there’s a black lacquer coffin and I don’t know who is in it; it’s a closed coffin,” Moyer said.
He said he has an ominous feeling regarding the early part of next year, starting shortly before the next president is sworn in Jan. 20.
“I’m leery of Jan. 12 through March 18,” Moyer said. “No matter what happens in the election, I’m sensing a death in the White House.”
(Re-read this post in March 2009…)
Joe Gandelman is a former fulltime journalist who freelanced in India, Spain, Bangladesh and Cypress writing for publications such as the Christian Science Monitor and Newsweek. He also did radio reports from Madrid for NPR’s All Things Considered. He has worked on two U.S. newspapers and quit the news biz in 1990 to go into entertainment. He also has written for The Week and several online publications, did a column for Cagle Cartoons Syndicate and has appeared on CNN.