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ELIZABETH LAUTEN RESIGNS: GOP staffer Elizabeth Lauten says she is ‘resigning today’ following her controversial comments about Sasha and Malia Obama — CNN reports.
In case you forgot, here’s a screenshot of Elizabeth Lauten’s Facebook rant attacking the teenagers:

Now let’s see if Elizabeth Lauten’s boss, Rep. Stephen Fincher, will issue a statement about her vicious attack on Sasha and Malia Obama for being teenagers.
If you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones….
Lauten, pictured above, was arrested in December 2000 for misdemeanor larceny, according to court records. Lauten, then 17, was collared for stealing from a Belk department store in her North Carolina hometown.
Because Lauten was a first-time offender, her case was handled via the District Court’s deferred prosecution program, which resulted in the charge’s eventual dismissal after the future scold stayed out of trouble for a prescribed period.
Since Lauten was just another teenager caught shoplifting at the mall, it appears unlikely that she was publicly pilloried for her lack of class, nor were her parents criticized as poor role models. Source: The Smoking Gun
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.