The president, who never served and at best “avoided” the draft when it was his time, has added another disgraceful destination to an already disturbing American roadmap.
That destination is called “Shame.”
On Thursday, standing in the historic Roosevelt Room of the White House, the so-called commander in chief gave his tacit, if not express approval for our military to in effect respond with live fire to unarmed, vulnerable, defenseless children, women and men — clamoring for asylum and a better life –- if they throw “stones, rocks” at our troops.
I join the numerous retired military, veterans and civilians who have condemned this shameful perversion of the time-honored U.S. armed forces rules of engagement.
We are not the Nigerian Army, which on Monday shot protesters in the back, killing three and possibly more.
According to the New York Times, several protesters had hurled rocks “at the heavily armed soldiers.”
The New York Times adds:
The Nigerian Army, part of a military criticized for rampant human rights abuses, on Friday used the words of President Trump to justify its fatal shootings of rock-throwing protesters.
The Nigerian Army posted a video showing Trump’s anti-migrant speech on Thursday in which he said rocks would be considered firearms if thrown toward the American military at the nation’s borders and said, according to the Times, “We released that video to say if President Trump can say that rocks are as good as a rifle, who is Amnesty International?…What are they then saying? What did David use to kill Goliath? So a stone is a weapon.”
Original Post:
At least three of the ten destination directions in the image above must be removed from our national psyche if we are to remain “America The Great.”
Here are some wise and timely words by a friend
Trump’s populist Creed
It’s frightening what Trump supporters will swallow
As he lies and insults: from a “hate platform” he does wallow
It’s always the same: “Others” are to blame
As he calls others “fake”: he puts our freedom at stake
We inherited a “United” States, but it was once divided
Ideologues captured the attention of a racist view misguided
It took a brave opposition to seek out the truth
After a tragic war, it took informed action in the voting booth
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself” words wisely said
But Trump gives us “rabble rousing” hate speech instead
As he gets more wealthy: he breeds hate that’s not healthy
It’s the pillars of our democracy: that he is turning to mockery
As hate crimes accelerate, Trump refuses to soften the debate
It’s Fake news, not him, that causes the problem he does state
It’s time to call out his violence-encouraging distractions
It’s time to get to the voting booths: and take strong actions
CODA: There is no “stronger action,” more American and more effective, than your vote.
Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to the victims of the “Massacre in the Heart of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” and their loved ones.
Lead image credit: Mike Gifford