I have often lamented the dearth of Medals of Honor awarded to our heroes of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, including the fact that none of the very few Medals of Honor for heroism in those wars has been awarded to a living hero.
Well, that is about to change.
The Washington Post has just reported that President Obama will be awarding the Medal of Honor to a living soldier. The soldier is Army Spec. Salvatore Giunta, a 22-year-old from Hiawatha, Iowa. The now Sergeant Giunta displayed heroism and valor during a 2007 battle with the Taliban in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan.
Please read about Sgt. Giunta’s acts of valor here, where the WaPo starts his story as follows:
Under a bright Afghan moon, eight U.S. paratroopers trudged along a ridge in the Korengal Valley, unaware they were walking right into a trap. Less than 20 feet away, a band of Taliban fighters executed the ambush plan perfectly, enveloping the paratrooper squad in an explosion of bullets and grenades.
I will have more to share with you on this subject close to my heart.
The author is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and a writer.