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Four years ago I riled against a group that routinely exercised — grossly abused, I felt — their, our, sacred First Amendment rights. They regularly appeared at funerals of our troops and vilely — through their shameful signs and tactics — desecrated the funerals and the memories of our fallen heroes.
They also staged protests at Jewish temples, at the World War II memorial and at Washington-area schools, including the school attended by Sasha and Malia Obama spewing their despicable, hate-filled ideology.
I wrote:
Imagine your only son is killed in Iraq or in Afghanistan while serving his country.
Imagine the day arrives for your son’s funeral and family and friends are somberly gathered for the services.
Imagine a group of people appearing at your son’s funeral carrying signs proclaiming “God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11,” “America is Doomed,” “Fag Troops,” “You’re Going to Hell,” “God Hates You,” “Semper Fi Fags,” “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” and “Thank God for IEDs.”
Imagine the shock, the pain, the stress, the outrage.
What was at issue, I felt, was the Westboro Baptist Church’s First Amendment right to freely exercise their freedom of speech and religious beliefs vs. the rights of families to peacefully assemble at private funeral services to mourn the deaths of their loved ones—without intimidation and abuse.
I unequivocally decided in favor of the rights of the families and I continued to write about and protest and abhor such abuse of our freedom of expression rights.
It would eventually rest with the U.S. Supreme Court to decide, “Whether the rights claimed by the Phelps group trump the rights of fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters; trump their right to grieve and pay their last respects to their departed heroes; trump their right to entrust their loved ones to their God with honor and in privacy, without being stripped of their dignity and of their final memories.”
Well, on Mar 2, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed with me and with millions of Americans and ruled that the First Amendment protects fundamentalist church members who mount attention-getting, anti-gay protests outside military funerals.
I wrote, “I respectfully disagree, but I also respectfully accept the decision in hopes that it will not open the floodgates to similar misuses of our First Amendment.”
Today, after the horrific terrorist attacks on the publishers and staff of the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, we are again at the same crossroads: Freedom of expression Vs “abuses” of such freedom.
Some feel that Charlie Hebdo by poking fun at cultures, religions and religious figures (keep in mind, Hebdo caricatured many cultures and religions) crossed the line, created prejudices, perhaps even incited hatred and violence.
I found myself, this time, squarely defending Charlie Hebdo and freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press.
Why the reversal of opinion? What are the differences between the Phelps group and Charlie Hebdo?
Could it be that the Phelps group, in my view, viciously attacked ideals and people who I deeply value: tolerance, our military and their families, etc?
Could it be that Charlie Hebdo ridiculed movements and people who, in my view, have bastardized what is a good religion, who commit the most heinous barbarities in the name of their “new” religion, who threaten everything we stand for?
Whatever the reasons, I have soberly and perhaps belatedly concluded — and I hate to paraphrase such infamous words — that “You’re either with free speech, or against it.”
Some will disagree. That’s why the question mark in the title of this piece.
As news breaks that a German tabloid that reprinted cartoons from Charlie Hebdo has been firebombed, I ask, have your views changed?
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