And implies that Obama is a Muslim:
“I know this is a non-denominational prayer in this chamber and it’s not about the Baptists and it’s not about the Catholics alone or the Lutherans or the Wesleyans or the Presbyterians, evangelicals or any other denomination but rather the head of the denomination and his name is Jesus, as every president up until 2008 has acknowledged. And we pray it. In Jesus’ name.”
The Speaker essentially cancelled the prayer and re-started the session with a new preacher. Later he released a statement apologizing for the prayer:
“I respectfully apologize to all members in the Minnesota House of Representatives and all citizens of this state for today’s morning prayer. As Speaker of the House, I take responsibility for this mistake. I am offended at the presence of Bradlee Dean on the floor of the Minnesota House of Representatives. I denounce him, his actions and his words. He does not represent my values or the values of this state.”
Speculation is that the prayer unintentionally derailed a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, a key goal of social conservatives in MN:
Friday’s bombshell arrived just as legislators were prepping for a vote to put the amendment question on the 2012 ballot. While the vote had once seemed a certainty for this session, by Friday afternoon it was in serious doubt.
Dean was invited by Republican Rep. Ernie Leidiger to give the non-sectarian prayer that is a part of the House’s usual opening business. Leidiger said he was unaware of Dean’s views on homosexuality, “Little did I know there’s another side of him, which, by the way, I just learned today.”
That’s widely believed to be unlikely.
Dean is a radio host and anti-gay activist who has said on his show that gays were responsible for the Holocaust, and that gay men will, on average, molest 117 people “before they’re found out.” He’s the drummer for the band Junkyard Prophet. And, unsurprisingly, Michelle Bachmann is a fan:
[O]ver the last five years, Bachmann, the politician, and Dean, the metal-head, have formed an unlikely but powerful alliance. Bachmann has helped raise money for Dean’s traveling youth ministry, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International;
guest-starred in his television series; and prayed for his ministry to multiply 10-fold. Dean, for his part, has embraced Bachmann, whose district includes his suburban community of Annandale, as an ally against the gay agenda. But his inflammatory rhetoric and past links to an anti-government organization make Bachmann’s own controversial views seem downright pedestrian—and raise serious questions about the congresswoman’s choice of associates.
A staunch social conservative, who found his calling after one-too-many close calls with hard drugs, Dean’s ministry travels to public schools across the country to perform what it calls “shock treatment.”
Remember, Dean comment highlights…
Gays Are Criminal Predators:
They should be arrested and thrown in jail:
On castration and hanging: