Would a shutdown of the U.S. government help the USA? Apparently, plenty of people on the political Left believe that it would.
At least that is what this blogger has witnessed on the Internet.
On 14 March 2025, “Nine Democrats and one independent, led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., voted in favor of cloture” for a Continuing Resolution to keep the U.S. government funded.
In a speech on the Senate chamber floor, Sen. Schumer declared, “While the CR bill is very bad, the potential for a shutdown has consequences for America that are much, much worse.”
It didn’t take long for people opposed to the Continuing Resolution to verbally attack the Democratic senators who voted for cloture.
For examples:
Democratic Senator John Fetterman says that he is going to sleep just fine after he voted for cloture.
From The Hill:
After voting for cloture, Sen. Fetterman released this statement:
In response to Sen. Fetterman’s statement, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez replied, “Cool so what happens if GOP attach a national abortion ban to a CR? You’ll vote for that too?”
So, again this blogger asks, “Would a shutdown of the U.S. government help the USA?”
If it wouldn’t, then did congressional Democrats have an alternative to the Continuing Resolution that would have passed in both Houses of Congress?
If no such alternative existed, then what would congressional Democrats say to federal employees – including members of the U.S. military – who would have lost paychecks if the federal government had been shut down?
It is easy to object to the cloture vote if one’s own income isn’t threatened.
If no alternative to the Continuing Resolution would have passed both Houses of Congress, and if there were no cloture for the Continuing Resolution, then what would have been the political fallout for the Democratic Party?
As for the response that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave to John Fetterman, is it even probable that a national ban on abortion could pass in the U.S. House of Representatives?

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”