by Don Hermann
We need you desperately.
America needs you.
The world needs you.
When you died, so many things died with you.
You wouldn’t have watched the deterioration of people’s rights. You would have taken some action. You would have mobilized people. All colors. And all races. You would have been relentless. You would have had rallies at State Legislatures. You would have had rallies in Washington. You would have had rallies at Voting Stations.
Watching people’s voting rights erode would not have been acceptable to you. You would have outdone Donald Trump for media attention.
You would not have waited almost a year to recognize the importance of the Vote. It would be top of the mind of Americans.
You would not have spent your time in TV studios complaining and whining and writing books and making big money. Nor would you have been in the studio and observed as the panelists talked to each other and congratulated each other about some other flaw of Donald Trump’s. You would have been on the street everyday with the people.
You would have told young people that they better vote because that’s the most important tool you have as a citizen. You would have told them, if you don’t vote you’re cheating yourself, your future and the future of your kids. You would have told them to pay attention. Ignoring is not a viable solution. You would have told them to pay less attention to their cell phones.
You would have stressed the same message to people of color. And warned them that certain people want them to be back at the back of the bus.
And MLK, Jr., your message would resonate. And you wouldn’t disappear after a rally or two.
If you’re reading this, you’re probably asking yourself, “Who the hell is this guy and who does he think he is?”
He’s a Cranky Old Man. 88. Who still has most of his marbles. An Ad guy who is still active and writes op-ed pieces, develops products and themes about fighting Hate. And has tried hard to get the attention of various gurus, media types and my senators, congressman and others of influence.
He has realized that our country is in trouble. The people in charge may have great ideas about helping people financially with a whole variety of meaningful laws that could make an enormous difference in the lives of Americans.
He has also realized that their messaging is as weak as the ideas are strong. Advertising people would die to have advantages like the Democrats currently have. In spite of the Democratic strong position they are in real jeopardy of losing one or both houses of Congress.
If you let that happen, you can kiss your freedom goodbye. MLK would not have accepted that.
He’d get your attention. In addition to the marching and the rallies he would do something really dramatic. He’d get your attention. It may not be this but something like this.
He would understand that celebrities and athletes have influence over convincing people to buy certain products or ideas. He might have created a Telethon with as many key people appearing and talking about the importance of voting. He would have entertainment to reinforce the message. It would be serious and fun and memorable all at the same time.
There would be promotion leading up to the Telethon so almost everyone with a TV or access to Social Media would be aware of the event. And the message.
The Telethon would have a theme: CELEBRATING DEMOCRACY.
MLK,Jr. understood communicating. He understood involvement. He understood selling. He understood integrity. He understood benefits.
He understood leadership. People listened. He got results.
Someone has to raise his or her hand. And say
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