Robotics competitions have surged recently, helping kids worldwide grow their skills and gain confidence. These contests are a breakthrough for STEM education. They motivate students to explore science and technology while applying real expertise and concepts.
Robotics competitions have many benefits for students, from improving performance in the classroom to strengthening teamwork skills and building STEM confidence. Here are a few of the top reasons why they are great for education.
Competition Applies Education
One of the best benefits of robotics competitions for students and teachers is how they apply education. Students are used to learning using things like worksheets or video lessons. These methods can be effective, but they’re not always engaging. Conventional teaching methods can also leave STEM topics feeling like abstract concepts. It can be difficult to see how something applies to a student’s real life and world when they only know it through a conceptual, worksheet-based framework.
In comparison, robotics competitions give students an exciting, hands-on way of applying STEM concepts. Competition itself motivates students to work together and problem-solve, which gets them engaged in STEM learning in an organic and voluntary manner. It is clear exactly how things like engineering and physics work when kids are building a robot and seeing these concepts for themselves.
Robotics Competitions Improve Career Knowledge
Robotics competitions are a great way for students to improve their career knowledge. In the classroom, things like worksheets, tests and conventional textbook learning are not the best tools to give kids an idea of what STEM jobs are like.
A student might not realize they’d enjoy a job in STEM because all they know is the classroom experience. Robotics competitions offer an opportunity to experience a more engaging, hands-on, real-world simulation.
Studies have proven that competing in robotics competitions significantly impacts career and education decisions. FIRST Robotics runs three of the largest contests in the world, including FIRST Robotics Competition, FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST LEGO League. Surveys of FIRST competitors and alumni showed that students who participated were 2.6 times more likely to enroll in engineering courses. Plus, over 75% of FIRST Robotics alums reported either working or studying in a STEM field.
This isn’t a fluke, either. Ten years of data from students who participated in robotics competitions shows a clear trend. An estimated 41% of participants overall chose an engineering major in college, including 33% of females. Over 88% reported being more interested in pursuing a college education after participating in competitions.
Students Expand Their Skills and Interests
The hands-on, real-life experience of participating in a robotics competition naturally leads students to develop new skills. These aren’t just limited to math and science, either.
Students who participate in robotics competitions often report improving their time management, communication, problem-solving, leadership and communication skills. These are invaluable for real-world success, regardless of a student’s career path.
Supporting STEM Learning
Students are exposed to hands-on engineering and programming learning through robotics competitions. Many pursue robotics competitions and clubs because they are already interested in STEM topics or perform well in math and science classes. These contests are a fantastic way for kids to expand their STEM skill set, adding coding languages and engineering design to their knowledge base.
Robotics competitions even use similar equipment to real-world engineering. For instance, air compressors are used in many ball shooter and lifting robots, both of which can often be found in robotics competitions. Those same air compressor devices are also used in real-world engineering. Another great example is CAD, or computer-aided design. CAD is an invaluable skill in STEM, and most engineers use it every day for their jobs.
Interviews with students and mentors on VEX Robotics teams showed a wide range of skills and interests built through robotics competitions. One mentor commented that even students who did not pursue college degrees got better grades in high school and even took on mentorship roles themselves. Many mentors and students noted that VEX allowed students to explore initial interests in STEM topics and helped kids discover new passions.
Benefitting All Types of Students
Robots will be used for all kinds of things in the future, from medicine to space exploration to construction. Students from diverse backgrounds and educational paths will be needed to support the robot-driven future. Robotics competitions have something to offer all kids, not just future engineers and programmers.
For example, a student who goes to trade school and becomes a construction worker can use their robotics knowledge to implement new tools like construction 3D printers and autonomous robots. Similarly, someone who does the graphic design and marketing work for their team will be able to apply those skills in a business career, where they may even help a robotics company get off the ground.
One of the most interesting abilities gained from robotics competitions is confidence. This may not be a hard skill like math or science, but it can significantly impact students’ career and educational outcomes.
Some students do not see themselves as capable STEM students, viewing engineering, math and science as too difficult or complex. Participating in robotics competitions can help these kids overcome that apprehension and build self-esteem.
Competition Promotes Teamwork and Community
Robotics competitions are fantastic opportunities to promote teamwork and community among students. These can be challenging skills to learn but crucial for maximizing success in their lives and careers.
Robotics is complex and challenging, bringing students together to problem solve using their different skills and strengths. Everyone can offer something to the team and see firsthand how teamwork leads to better outcomes through the success of their robots. A student who is not very good at designing and building robots might be an ace at coding. Another might not like programming at all but excel at planning and public speaking, making them a great team leader.
Additionally, robotics competitions can be a great way to bring students from completely different backgrounds together. The largest competitions in the world even have international events, where kids can travel to other countries and meet peers from all over the world. This helps foster a global, cross-cultural STEM community that is inclusive and welcoming.
Fostering STEM-Powered Futures
Regardless of the career a student chooses to pursue, participating in a robotics competition can be extremely rewarding. They build STEM skills, promote creativity, strengthen confidence, improve teamwork and foster community. These benefits can help kids build successful careers in any field. Through robotics competitions, students can grow and learn in an engaging, empowering environment that fosters a STEM-powered future.
Emily Newton is the Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized, an online magazine discussing the latest technologies changing our world.