In my “It’s Now Rush vs. Steele,” a couple of hours ago, I mentioned Limbaugh’s tirade against Michael Steele.
At that time there were no transcripts available…yet.
Well, now the blogosphere is full of them.
For example, at The Note:
Limbaugh Goes to Mat With RNC ChairLimbaugh, asked to respond, said he’d save his counter-attack for his listeners.
“I’ll handle it on the radio,” he wrote in an e-mail.
He did just that, lacing into Steele and saying the recently-elected party leader was “off to a shaky start.”
“You know who needs a little leadership? Michael Steele and those at the RNC,” Limbaugh said, part of an unusual counter-attack against the elected head of the GOP.
And at
Limbaugh responded today with an on-air diatribe against the new party chairman that ran nearly 20 minutes, alleging that Steele is more interested in being a “talking head” on television than leading the party to electoral success.
Finally, at The Plank:
Inmates Fight Over Who Runs the Asylum
Limbaugh on Steele:
Michael Steele, you are head of the RNC. You are not head of the Republican Party. Tens of millions of conservatives and Republicans have nothing to do with the RNC and right now they want nothing to do with it, and when you call them, asking them for money, they hang up on you….
Why are you running the Republican Party? Why do you claim you lead the Republican Party when you seem obsessed with seeing to it that President Obama succeeds? I frankly am stunned that the chairman of the Republican National Committee endorses such an agenda….
I would be embarrassed to say that I’m in charge of the Republican Party in a sad-sack state that it’s in. If I were chairman of the Republican Party, given the state that it’s in, I would quit. I might get out the hari-kari knife.
For lots more delicious news about “the inmates running the asylum,” please go to The Memeorandum