Among Donald Trump’s despicable defenders are William J. Bennett and Brian T. Kennedy. This duo reveals their unhinging in their Fox News opinion piece Despicable impeachment of Trump — decent people must decry this attack on our system.
Here is how they begin their nonsense:
Let’s start with what should be the most obvious reason that Bennett and Kennedy are wrong.
The presidential election of 2016 would not be overthrown if President Trump were convicted and removed from office. No, Hillary Clinton would not replace Trump as President. Mike Pence would replace him instead.
Political deception on a massive scale? Nope.
Plenty of Americans witnessed in real time how President Trump tried to intimidate former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch as she testified before Congress during the congressional investigation into Trump’s Ukraine dealings. Trump indeed engaged in obstruction of justice.
Plenty of Americans also know of the Government Accountability Office ruling that “President Donald Trump’s hold on security assistance to Ukraine was illegal.”
Subterfuge? Far from it.
When it came time for the House Judiciary Committee to vote on articles of impeachment, committee chairman Jerrold Nadler made sure that the vote took place during daytime instead of in the middle of the night.
Congressional Democrats aren’t attacking the USA’s political system. Instead, they are using the system as it is designed to be used.
Bennett and Kennedy are simply echoing Saturday Night Live actor Beck Bennett’s rendition of Mitch McConnell.
That Bennett and Kennedy would try to defend Trump isn’t surprising. As the Minions movie reveals, minions gravitate toward anyone who is despicable.

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”