The January 6 Committee is asking Republican House member Barry Loudermilk to voluntarily testify about a tour he gave of the capitol on January 5, 2021. For the slow kids (Republicans), January 5th was the day before January 6th, the day of the Trump terrorist attack. The speculation here is that Loudermilk didn’t give a tour as much as he conducted a reconnaissance mission.
The funny thing is, tours were closed during that time due to the COVID pandemic, unless…wait for it…you had a personal tour from a member of Congress. How convenient.
Shortly after the white nationalist terrorist attack to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, destroy democracy, and install a fascist Oompa-Loompa as America’s first dictator, some Democrats brought up the issue that some Republicans gave these reconnaissance missions, but they didn’t mention names. Fortunately for us, Republicans are stupid and they mentioned their own names.
In fact, Loudermilk was a real loudmouth about it. That idiot screamed and hollered. How dare he be accused without being named. He even wanted the accusing Democrats to be brought up on ethics charges.
Here’s a free tip, kids, just in case you ever plan on doing something evil: Don’t out yourself. When someone brings up the crime but they don’t mention your name. Don’t you mention it for them. Keep your mouth shut. It’s like a fart. If you smelt it, you dealt it. Loudermilk farted a great big nasty loud wet one.
Democrat Mikie Sherrill told a virtual town hall on January 12, 2021, that “members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol that I saw on January 5th for reconnaissance for the next day.” Loudermilk brought up an ethics complaint against her and 33 other Democrats because to Republicans, outing insurrection terrorists is more of an ethical dilemma than being an insurrection terrorist. They feel the same way about outing Russian spies.
“My Republican colleagues and I will not sit by while Democrats accuse their colleagues of treason for political gain. This type of conduct must not be tolerated,” Loudermilk wrote, urging the House Ethics Committee to “take quick and decisive action to ensure this never happens again.” That sounds like something you’d say about the treason, not the outing of treason. Loudermilk should have sat idly by.
But the committee says it has obtained evidence that contradicts previous GOP denials that any tours took place in the days before January 6, 2021, raising questions about the one given by Loudermilk and its purpose. Ha. Ha.
Loudermilk claims he did give a tour but it was to a family who did not return to the Capitol on January 6. Yeah, sure. Was it a family with bear spray?
Majority Whip Jim Clyburn explained that he has two offices. One office has his name and title on the door and the other office doesn’t, and even most members of Congress aren’t aware of it. On January 6, the office with his name on it wasn’t touched but the office where he and his staff do most of their work, and where they would most likely have been at that time if not on the House floor, was looted.
Clyburn said, “I’m saying that I have an unmarked office that you gotta know exactly where it is. It is where I spend most of my time doing my work as the Majority Whip. I have a staff. We work pretty hard trying to keep up with members, trying to make sure they do an effective job of managing the votes once they get to the floor.”
“And that office is where I do most of my work, and for some reason, these people showed up at that office, but the office where my name is above the door, on the door, and my position above the door was not disturbed.”
“I’m just saying. They didn’t go to where my name was, they went to where I usually hang out, so that to me suggests that something untoward was going on.”
Clyburn said, “somebody on the inside of those buildings was complicit.”
When you do something rotten, help a bunch of white nationalists try to overturn an election by attacking Congress, you shouldn’t be allowed to walk away after it fails with a simple, “Oh, well…guess that didn’t. Better luck next time.” No. After helping white nationalist goons try to destroy our democracy, you should be thrown out of Congress and thrown into prison. This is not free speech. This wasn’t tourism. This isn’t just a different viewpoint of who won an election. You’re scum.
These Republican goons, including Trump, keep passing Go repeatedly when they all should have gone straight to jail…and without a get-out-of-jail-free card.
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