There are few things that really annoy me in politics anymore. Congratulations, Senator Harry Reid you hit the jackpot! Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) made the following statement:
Why is it that the race / ethnicity card is played by Democrats who are in trouble during election years? I seem to remember familiar phrases used by Democrats in Maryland during Gubernatorial races over the last 16 years.
For the last 40 years, the question was how any African-American could be a Republican? People like J.C. Watts, Colin Powell, Armstrong Williams and others have answered that question with dignity and with success in the public arena. I, myself, have answered those questions on the local level while being the nominee of the Republican Party for City Council President in Baltimore.
In local and state elections this year, and in the immediate future, Hispanics will face the same questions of racial / ethnic loyalty in the crucible of electoral contests. Republican ideals such as individual freedom and responsibility, social foundations in faith and family, and adherence to the rule of law must be articulated from brave leaders who are willing to be ostracized and ridiculed from the left as being the “Tio Tom” of the Hispanic community.
Faculty, Department of Political Science, Towson University. Graduate from Liberty University Seminary.