The Color of Food report maps out the race, gender and class of workers along the supply chain. Download it here. The summary of its findings:
- People of color typically make less than whites working in the food chain.Half of white food workers earn $25,024 a year, while workers of color make $5,675 less than that. This wage gap plays out in all four sectors of the food system, with largest income divides occurring in the food processing and distribution sectors. Women working in the food chain
draw further penalties in wages, especially women of color. For every dollar a white male worker earns, women of color earn almost half of that.
- Few people of color hold management positions in the food system. Whites dominate high-wage professional and management occupations; three out of every four managers in the food system are white. Almost half of white men working in the food chain were employed as managers, while less than 10 percent of workers of color held comparable positions.
- People of color are concentrated in low-wage jobs in the food chain.According to the 2008 Census, people of color make up 34.6 percent of the population (that percentage is expected to rise as 2010 Census data becomes available). But workers of color are represented at a level almost one and a half times that in sectors of the food chain. For instance, 50 percent of food production workers are people of color. This includes farm workers, 65 percent of whom are Latino.