Dear Republican Party: Reality called. It wants you to get in touch. It has what you’re lacking: A clue. By that, I don’t mean the board game.
By browsing what Republicans are saying on Twitter, one sees that these space cases are in need of a reality check.
For example, this is what one such critter tweeted at the start of the New Year:
Boingo . . . Bongino . . . I keep getting those two confused.
Apparently, Boingo Bongino does not have anything better to say, because (as of the time of this post’s publication), he tweets the same thing every day, as if saying it over and over would make it true. A villainous bunny in an animated movie has more sense than him.
Yeah, I know what you are thinking: “Who is Boingo the bunny?” I’m thinking, “Who is Dan Bongino?”
Anyway, the interns in control of the official GOP Twitter account actually believe that they can gaslight Americans with what they tweet. For example:
The GOP interns must have been asleep during President Biden’s first year in the White House, because they missed his early effort to deal with the border situation.
Unlike the GOP, President Biden has paid attention to the real cause of the so-called “crisis” at the USA’s southern border. People in Spanish-speaking nations are fleeing to the USA in order to escape legitimate crisis in the nations of their birth.
Sure, President Biden has not yet given Americans a dog-and-pony show by personally visiting the USA’s southern border. Yet, it is foolish to insinuate that he doesn’t know what is going on there, which is exactly what the GOP has been insinuating.
While President Biden seeks a humane response to the border situation, certain Republican politicians are yelling, “Invasion!”
If there were any doubt that the GOP doesn’t have a grip on reality, then that doubt was removed this year by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. Instead of a dog-and-pony show, House Republicans have been giving Americans a full three-ring circus that would have P.T. Barnum green with envy.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I have been stocked up on popcorn and root beer while watching it.

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”