by Don Hermann
Do you like what you see?
Do you know your country is falling apart?
Do you feel any responsibility?
Who do you think is responsible?
Is it fixable?
If you were in charge, what would you do?
What’s going to happen to you and your family?
Do you believe your politicians are looking out for you?
If things continue on the current path, how are you going to
pay for health insurance?
What about Social Security? And Medicare? And Medicaid?
Can you kiss them goodbye?
What about free speech?
Do you want history to be sugar-coated?
Should history books be doctored to accommodate political points of view, rather than the truth?
Can you handle the truth?
Should there be time limits on campaigning?
Should Light Be Shed on Dark Money?
Is the Electoral College out of touch?
Should Cable News Programs be licensed?
Have you ever tried to contact your local politician?
Have you ever tried to contact your congressman or senator?
Have you ever written a letter to the editor of your newspaper?
Where do you get most of your news from?
Can you name most of the President’s Cabinet?
Can you name five politicians you have faith in?
Which news program or station has the most credibility?
Do you have a problem with our medical system?
Does Obamacare work?
Have you ever contributed to a political party or politician?
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