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“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Here we go again: Benghazi!
They spawned the faux scandal in Rightie World and waited for complicit journos like Jake Tapper at CNN to walk it into the mainstream, and now it’s a “real” story. You know, like the Jewish Communist Bolshevik “terrorists” burning down the Reichstag:
How One Man Could Obliterate Obamacare
The National Interest*Why an MIT health economist who was one of the health-care law’s architects could cause its utter destruction. — For five years, Republicans have been searching for the perfect messenger to speak out against Obamacare. — They have finally found him…
Had they not “found” him, it would have been necessary to make him up.
(Which I wouldn’t put beyond the modern GOPaganda Machine).
[* And I guess nobody noticed that this ‘article’ appeared in a fringe journal founded by Bill Kristol’s father Irving Kristol, the founder of “neoconservatism”? The article itself contains internal ads like this one: (You May Also Like: Obamacare: Nothing Short of a Disaster). Do you suppose this is a “fair and balanced” article? ]
We KNOW how it works. We KNOW that the GOP will do or say ANYTHING to kill Obamacare, to obstruct, to disenchant, to lie, to cheat, to sabotage, to lawsuit, to distort, to disobey the law and ignore the Constitution (which they project, conveniently, onto the President, BTW).
But this tired tactic — which has been used from everything from the “Baghdad Diarist” fake scandal to the disingenuousness of the recently concluded psy-ops disinformation campaign for the election — continues to confound, befuddle, bewilder and bewitch the SAME journalists and news outlets, who seem to have the critical capabilities of your average rutabaga.
(And NOT any exceptional rutabagas, who could see through this nonsense in a New York Minute.)
But every time this sort of thing comes up, the GOPaganda machine is ceded default “credibility.”
Really? Even though they’re proven to be lying and distorting over and over and over again? Nobody reads Nietzsche, no how.
Or: Credible? Credi-BULL!
Yes: American voters are probably morons. We just saw the proof of that.*
[* Rewarding monstrous governance against their own vested interest.]
No: One man’s idiotic comments, even repeated, do NOT constitute any serious flaw in the Affordable Care Act, whether he is credible or INcredible.
No: this is not news, but is a blatant attack on my ability to BUY health insurance so that I can CONTINUE to live, even though I am a type II diabetic and was denied coverage (and, therefore, much continued existence) because of it.
But no news outlet in America today can defend the ACA, because the endless slander and libel against one idiot is too complicated and intellectual for our modern “media” and “writers” and “pundits” to analyze, rebut or even note that we shouldn’t have to have this fight on fake rhetorical turf of the choosing of master propagandists.
And so I despair at any attempt to make sense, and marvel at the wisdom of shutting down my blog in the face of a nation incapable, seemingly, of walking and chewing gum at the same time.
No one man’s comments, no matter how egregious, ought to be enough to deny health coverage to millions of Americans, but, added to the GOPaganda machine, may well be a contributing factor to its assassination in the well of the Roman senate by red-cloaked murderers.
When you finish taking away my health insurance, please check back to see what my funeral arrangements are going to be.
Because you have murdered me.
![HART WILLIAMS, TMV Columnist](https://themoderatevoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/143043683078498-5-128x128.jpg)
A writer, published author, novelist, literary critic and political observer for a quarter of a quarter-century more than a quarter-century, Hart Williams has lived in the American West for his entire life. Having grown up in Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico, a survivor of Texas and a veteran of Hollywood, Mr. Williams currently lives in Oregon, along with an astonishing amount of pollen. He has a lively blog, His Vorpal Sword (no spaces) dot com.