Newsweek magazine is shaking things up again with their latest cover — Niall Ferguson telling President Obama to hit the road and our only path to prosperity is the Romney-Ryan ticket. Um, I wonder what Ferguson said about the Bush-Cheney ticket? It seems we were literally run off the road to prosperity and most Americans, the middle class that is, fell off a steep precipice. It also seems that the austerity policy in Britain is working so well, is that what Ferguson wants to see in this country? You realize I am being sarcastic. The fact is, the Obama Administration inherited a boatload of trouble and four years can’t guarantee one can dig out of the muck. France ousted right wing Nicolas Sarkozy and now they are still facing trouble with new president, Socialist Francois Hollande.
Yeah, hit the road Barack, in exchange for the wealthy getting more tax cuts from the Romney-Ryan ticket at the expense of the poor and middle class. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty to be upset with the Democrats and President Obama about, but what about the Republicans taking their share of the blame for the economic mess? After all, isn’t Paul Ryan a member of a hugely unpopular Congress?
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.