by Don Hermann
Wars are fought over religion. In many cases religion affects who we’re friendly with. It affects who we marry. Where we live. We often judge people by their religion. Sometimes we hide behind our religion. In extreme situations, we Hate people of certain religions.
What is a religious person? Are all religious people good people? Can you be a good person without going to your religious institution on a regular basis? Or at all?
This brings us to Mr. Johnson, the new Leader of the House of Representatives. He has been described as a very religious person. He relies on his religion for guidance on a regular basis. No quarrel about that.
In my eyes, whatever works works. As long as the outcome doesn’t hurt other people. Fine. However, in many cases it’s used to judge others for what they are. Or want to be. Consistency quite often gets in the way. Value judgments can be 180 degrees apart. That makes no sense.
Mike Johnson seems to have a swivel head. Very dangerous when it comes to the Leadership position. In 2015 he said “Trump was unfit to serve and could be a danger as President.”
Recently he said “I’m all in for President Trump…”
OK. It’s no surprise that a politician be on both sides of an issue. If it makes him or her look better. However, when the politician is using religion as his standard, how does he use both sides to justify a decision?
So Johnson has had a change of mind. It’s God’s will. Was it God’s will for Trump to do and say some of the following:
Have his Father work a deal out with a Podiatrist tenant of his to diagnose his son, Donald with bone spurs so he could become 4F, avoiding the draft and possibly Vietnam? A coward?
Did Mr. Johnson look the other way when Donald a candidate for President wrote his own Medical Report and forced his Internist to sign it? And then had three goons raid the doctor’s office and take all the reports so they couldn’t be validated? The Doctor’s quote “I felt raped.”
Does your religious involvement stress honesty and decency, Mike? Traditionally candidates for President provide copies of their college transcripts. In Trump’s case, he threatened his colleges with lawsuits if they release the information.
While we’re on the honesty train, apparently Trump lied over 30,000 times during his Presidency. What about “Alternative Facts”. A little stretching of the truth? How can praying justify this kind of stuff?
I guess it doesn’t bother Mr. Johnson and his religion that Trump was quoted as saying “I will kiss and/or grope women without getting permission.”
A little prayer with help overlook the fact that 25 women have come forward accusing Trump of sexual abuse. In one case, Trump was convicted of rape. That’s pretty recent. Well Mike Johnson, you seem to be turning the other cheek on this,
Let’s take it a step further, Mike “ How would you have handled the situation if one of the 25 women was your wife”?
What is your impression of John McCain? A hero? Or a loser? Trump had no respect for him because he was captured.
What about all the war heroes who gave their lives fighting for our country? They too, were losers in Trump’s eyes. A little prayer will give you an answer to this one? Do you know anyone who was killed in combat? You may not admit it. The person was probably a loser. That’s Mr. Trump’s interpretation.
This one tops the cake, Mike. By giving your unwavering support to Trump, you’re justifying his Benedict Arnold type behavior? A turncoat? How many times has he given away our State Secrets?
There isn’t enough time in your term to justify that. How does prayer work there?
My skin is crawling writing this stuff.
How many times has Trump gone bankrupt? You need a calculator for that one. What about all the lawsuits and financial pressure put on reasonable legitimate business people who got hurt by their association with him?
What does your religion say about Hate? Mr. Trump is a purveyer of Hate. He has given permission to people to Hate. Almost every rally is dominated by messages of Hate. There are very few positive messages or legitimate messages where people will actually benefit.
Trump’s business acumen is really striking. He inherited a deficit of about $500 billion. Most experts predicted the deficit to be around one trillion when he left office. Multiply that by about three plus and you get othree trillion. A gift from Mr.Trump.
America has been built by offering opportunity to people. It is the fuelthat powers the engines that have enabled our country to create and thrive.
Religion has helped people in their every day struggles of life. It should not be a source of rationalization for negativity. Hopefully it will provide leaders of our country with backbone. Integrity. And an understanding that positive things can come from anyone and anywhere.
Pray hard Mike. You got it in you.
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