by Don Hermann
As kids some of us played with guns. We were cops or robbers. Or soldiers.
Others had dolls and related items and were mothers.
There were a host of other make believe areas. Part of growing up. Nothing unhealthy about that. What is unhealthy is when grown-ups act like children.
It’s more than unhealthy, it can be downright dangerous.
So it appears that when you can’t handle the responsibility of being an adult, you revert back to your childlike behavior.
The shame of it is, there are too many people who look and dress like adults but never got past the teenage years emotionally.
HATE, FEAR. FEELING INFERIOR. They’ll do it for you in the blink of an eye.
Have someone in mind? How about our ex-President, Mr. Trump? He fits the description to a “T.”
He grew up with a platinum spoon in his mouth. Unlimited resources. Money. Schooling. Business opportunities. Possibly unrealistic expectations.
Apparently opportunity was knocking but he wasn’t able to open the door completely.
His need to be Admired. Respected. Loved. It wasn’t happening. Apparently when he looked in the mirror he saw a different kind of guy.
He fixed that. It was time for Make Believe to become his Reality. A New Donald Trump. A Fake Donald Trump. According to Kellyanne Conway, Senior Counselor to Trump, the Fake News became Alternative Facts. An attempt at legitimacy.
The scariest aspect of this whole act was the media’s response. They followed his every period, comma, exclamation. So much of it was predictable, but it worked. It built audiences. It sold books. It made media stars of unknowns. And it put money into the pockets of newspapers, magazines, TV stations, many of whom were hanging by their fingernails prior to his presidency.
It gave a shot in the arm to a dying political party who had very little to offer.
It was much more than news. It was entertainment. A soap opera. Missing an episode was problematic. Gurus came out of the walls quoting polls and focus group research about as accurate as flipping a coin.
The debate about Trump’s intelligence was epidemic. One thing was obvious. He had a PhD in survival. He used that ability to control the responses of his various audiences.
The media, the Democratic gurus, religious leaders, historians all danced to his tunes. They basically overlooked one very important aspect in his behavior. His history. His motivation for the Presidency. Was his extreme response so indicative of his need for that office? Or was there another reason or reasons?
No one, that’s no candidate had ever manifest such bizarre behavior in running for the Presidency. What about a little history here?
Maya Angelou would have told you “You can’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been.” If that advice was followed, perhaps some of his motivations would have been clear predictors of how he would respond. A lot of time, effort, money would have been saved. Perhaps the judicial system would not still be struggling about what to do with him.
There’s a lot of mystery about his past. His financial dealings. His relationships with Russia, China, Arab countries before and during his Presidency. Clear indicators of future behavior. His sexual exploits. His lawsuits. His consistent failures in business. His struggle with the truth.
His saying “If I lose the election I may have to leave the country.”
Furthermore why has he surrounded himself with sychophantic types, many indicted or having been convicted of crimes while working for him? What about his response to January 6?
History has shown us that Make Believe might have some appeal. But it wears thin quickly. The purveyors are forever looking over their shoulders. Probably because they lack backbones.
Photo 177163430 / Make Believe © Wisconsinart |