Obama and his Democrats are trying to portray Elena Kagan as eminently qualified to become a Supreme Court Justice; as a person who embodies “excellence, independence, integrity, and passion for the law.” In other words, a liberal firebrand, a wild-eyed idealist if not a dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying socialist.
Conservatives must dig out “the truth” and stop her confirmation dead in its tracks, at any cost. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) has already signaled how thorough and righteous the search for the truth will be: “…we’ve got to look at her record, her writings, her speeches, her pronouncements, the work that she did.”
Of course, such a search must also include her private life, her sexual orientation and, don’t forget, the paper/blogosphere trail: her kindergarten notes and drawings, parking tickets, grocery and dry-cleaning receipts, high school and college writings, etc. With any luck, we may even come across a “wise Jewish woman” comment.
Several disqualifying factors have already surfaced. For example, the facts that Kagan is Jewish and that her confirmation would mean that the Court would, for the first time, have three Jews, six Catholics and zero Protestants. Sacrilege! The fact that she is a 50-year-old single with no children should also raise red flags, even though Kagan defenders, such as Joe Conason, have tried to ridicule such notions with statements like:
In the worldview of the religious right, suspicions of sexual nonconformity can and must be raised against any unmarried woman of a certain age in public life (unless she happens to be Condoleezza Rice or Harriet Miers, about whom such rumors represented liberal character assassination.)
And how about her Ivy League education and elitist background—Princeton, Oxford and Harvard. More on this later. Talking about experience, heaven forbid that we should have another Supreme Court Justice such as Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist—or as we almost did with White House counsel Harriet Miers—without judicial experience.
Judicial experience is a must. Hopefully, Kagan supporters will by now have forgotten Rehnquist’s and Miers’ lack of such and will not resurrect unfortunate remarks to the contrary by Senators Cornyn and Hatch. We should hammer home the fact that, as dean of Harvard Law School in 2004, Kagan kicked out Pentagon recruiters because of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law.
Her defenders will say that other major law schools did the same, that she was enforcing anti-discrimination policies and a strategy toward military recruiting that was already in place, or that Kagan was just following the law and that Harvard students still had adequate access to military recruiters. All poppycock. It just goes to show that Elena Kagan is an “anti-military zealot,” a “radical” who “defied” the law, an extremist who has a clear “disdain for the military” and for the security of our country.
As to the issue of Kagan’s sexuality, God forbid that we should have a lesbian on our highest court. What would that do to our God-fearing, anti-gay agenda?
It is thus high time to seriously look into Kagan’s closet and find what will probably be our biggest, most effective gun to shoot down this abominable nomination. Kagan’s defense of gays at Harvard already indicated that she was at best “gay friendly,” at worse, well you know…. David Wildmon recently warned us against yet another “sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility” and GOP Chief Deputy Whip John Thune declared, already a year ago, that the nomination of a gay or lesbian justice would just be a stance too wide “a bridge too far.”
Just yesterday, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer emphasized that “no lesbian is qualified to sit on the Supreme Court”
Rest assured, the left will shout “sexual hypocrisy” and make hateful allegations against good, conservative lawmakers, politicians and family values men who have in good faith sponsored and supported anti-gay legislation. Again, poppycock!
It is the conservatives’ sacred duty to paint Kagan as radical, unfit. As conservative fundraiser Richard Viguerie wisely said even before Obama nominated Kagan, “The more quickly we can identify that person as an ideological liberal, the easier it is for us to communicate to the American people how radical the president is and the nominee is,” even if (or especially if), as the inimitable Glenn Beck has said, this “radical” is “a gay, handicapped black woman who’s an immigrant.”
We must also heed the words of our great GOP matriarch, Anne Coulter, that “A huge court battle is fantastic for Republicans” eliciting the even wiser response from that Great American, Sean Hannity, “I agree with you — whether you win or lose.”
For clarity, Jeff Sessions has added, “We need to raise questions, some of us do, about this new ideology of results-oriented, relativistic, postmodern legal concepts.” And we certainly must raise questions about grave and ominous issues such as:
• Why Elena Kagan was one of the first girls to be bat mitzvahed and how her maternal grandfather in Philadelphia was able to convince the synagogue’s rabbi to do such.
• Why she posed in black judicial robes, with a gavel, for her high school yearbook. Was she prescient or impersonating a judge? Both disqualifying attributes.
• Why, during her senior year at Princeton, Kagan wept and got drunk on vodka-and-tonics when a liberal lost a New York senate race.
• Exactly what her role as “coxswain” for a women’s crew team at Oxford entailed.
• Why, as a clerk judge in Washington, “Kagan played poker and basketball with other clerks — and was part of the crowd that made regular trips to City Lights in Dupont Circle for Chinese food and guilty runs to a downtown Popeyes for fried chicken.”
• Why, as previously mentioned, at the age of 50 is she still single with no children and no visible (sexual) means of support.
And let’s not forget to ask “What is Kagan’s geography? What is her anchorage, her port of call?” The answers—New York, Jewish, Ivy League colleges—“may well be Kagan’s wound.”
Finally, remember how liberals went nuts over Scott Brown’s beautiful, nude, sexy, centerfold picture in Cosmopolitan?
Well, we are digging for similar pictures of Kagan, and when we find them they won’t be pretty…
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published on its front page a compromising photo of Kagan playing softball 17 years ago. A good start, but we want more, much more.