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In a New York Times editorial today the Times editorial board writes:
“Think just how different the world would be,” said Senator Ted Cruz on Monday, in a speech so packed with vision-spinning and the word “imagine” that it seemed as if John Lennon had returned, as a Hispanic Texan running a hard-right, anti-establishment, Christian-themed campaign for the White House.
The Washington Post “did the math.” By their tally, Cruz used the word “imagine,” or a variant, “roughly 40 times throughout his 35 minute speech — averaging more than once a minute.”
With additional apologies to John Lennon, this is what I heard the imaginative Ted Cruz imagine.
Imagine abolishing the IRS, filling out your taxes on a postcard. It’s easy if you try — and write small.
Imagine there’s no peace, just lots to kill and die for. It’s easy if you believe in me and my neocon friends.
Imagine all the people we’ll send back to Mexico. It’s easy if you vote for me.
Imagine an immigration system that takes our country back from all those non-real Americans and celebrates the American dream. You may say I am a dreamer but I hope you’ll dream with me.
Imagine taking away health care from millions. I wonder if you can.
Imagine a young same-sex couple wanting to marry like you and me. It isn’t hard to kill that image if you’ll trust in me.
Imagine, imagine millions of courageous people, all across America, openly carrying their weapons and living life in peace. It’s easy if you just believe in me and in Santa Claus — sorry kids!
Talking ’bout kids, imagine scaring the living daylights out of a little girl growing up in New Hampshire. It’s easy if you’re me.
Imagine millions of people of every sexual orientation, ethnicity and religion all across America coming out to the polls and voting against our values. All that will cease if you believe in me.
Imagine the wheels of Big Government grinding to a halt. It’s easy if you have listened to my “Green Eggs and Ham”
Imagine a foreign-born president who will have no birther issues, because he is a white Republican. You are looking at him.
Imagine a president who finally, finally, finally reclaims the Constitution and restores America to the good days — and y’all know what I am talking about.
Imagine President Ted Cruz.
Lead photo: Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com“>www.shutterstock.com