Republican, Dr Monica Wehby’s campaign for the Senate revolved around opposition to the Affordable Care Act but the day after she lost the election she called the governor to ask about the open position of director of the Oregon Health Authority. [icopyright one button toolbar]
A day after losing her bid for U.S. Senate, Monica Wehby picked up the phone and reached Gov. John Kitzhaber on his cell.
Wehby, a Republican and fellow doctor, offered her expertise and interest in health care reform to the newly re-elected Democratic governor. And, according to multiple sources, she asked about a job opening: director of the Oregon Health Authority.
Wehby’s interest in the job left others scratching their heads.
Leading the agency would be an odd choice for Wehby, 52. The OHA director is the state’s top official in charge of implementing Obamacare — one of her key targets in challenging Sen. Jeff Merkley. Even her campaign slogan incorporated an attack on the law: “Keep Your Doctor. Change Your Senator.”
This is the ultimate in absurdity and hypocrisy so typical of today’s Republican Party. Monica may be a great neurosurgeon but is detached from reality.