I am always amazed at the hubris of former vice president Dick Cheney and former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld. They will stop at nothing to criticize President Obama for just about any issue, even if it’s a throwback to the George W. Bush administration. On the subject of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Crimea and the estrangement with Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai, he compared the nation’s first black president to a ‘trained ape.’
This administration, the White House and the State Department, have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It does not take a genius.
Strong words coming from a man who literally ran his his position after a strong of black marks, including the torture program and the photos leaked from Abu Ghraib. Let’s not forget the war crimes he directly authorized. Also evident to many, but lost on people like Rumsfeld and Cheney is the massive fraud perpetrated with the Iraq invasion and the mess they left behind in Afghanistan. Um, remember George W. Bush’s ‘mission accomplished’ stunt? All hell broke loose in the immediate aftermath with thousands of soldiers losing their lives. So, it’s laughable and bare-faced that Donald Rumsfeld (with no conscience) dares to criticize President Obama on his foreign policy.
Funny he should accuse President Obama of bungling Russia’s invasion of Crimea, when the same thing happened on his home-boy’s watch — Russia invaded Georgia. Diplomacy took a turn for the worst under the Bush administration. That’s both Bushes — father and son. So, it’s a joke that he should say America’s diplomacy is now terrible.
United States diplomacy has been so bad, so embarrassingly bad, that I’m not the least bit surprised that he felt cornered and is feeling he has to defend himself in some way or he’s not president of that country. We have so mismanaged that relationship … I personally sympathize with him to some extent. Nobody likes to hear a foreign leader side with Putin on the Crimea the way he has. But I really think it’s understandable, given the terrible, terrible diplomacy that the United States has conducted with Afghanistan over the last several years.
This is the minority outreach the Republican Party has been engaged in. Yeah, reaching out to remind African Americans and Hispanics why they should look the other way come election day.
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.