“It is rather ironic that a considerable portion of this China-battering politician’s wealth was actually obtained by doing business with Chinese companies before he entered politics,” Xinhua wrote.
“Such blaming-China-on-everything remarks are as false as they are foolish, for it has never been a myth that pushing up the value of China’s currency would be of little use to boost the chronically slack job market of the world’s sole superpower, not to mention to magically turn the poor U.S. economic performance around.”
Xinhua said such China-bashing had been “a cancer in U.S. electoral politics, seriously plaguing the relations between the two countries.
“It has also become a handy tool for U.S. politicians who try to court the votes and support of ill-informed voters by ratcheting up antagonistic sentiment towards China, while truly serious social and economic woes within the United States have been left unfixed.”
The United States should “put its own fiscal house back in order, substantially slash its tremendous military expenditure, and optimize its economic structure”, it added.
Damn, yesterday Joe Scarborough eviscerated Mitt Romney and today the Chinese news agency did it all over again. Mitt Romney talks tough, but this is a league in which he is in way over his head. Just take a look at the news today and you will find at least two flip-flops — 1.) he’s as meek as a mouse on the US embassy in Cairo’s response to the unrest before the ambassador was killed and 2.) he’s siding with Obama against Netanyahu on drawing ‘red lines’ in the whole beating of war drums for Israel to attack Iran. Sounds like the Chinese got it right this time around. Let’s see, how many more prominent world leaders will Mitt Romney insult before the Nov. 6th elections?
This was cross-posted from The Hinterland Gazette.