by Don Hermann
Masochistic? Shortsighted? Wear blinders? Overcome with fear? Can’t see beyond your nose?
I know you, You’re a Republican. Or voting Republican. What’s your complaint? Apparently you like pain. You want to suffer.
You want to lose your Social Security. You don’t want to have the benefits of Medicare.
Or Medicaid. You’d rather do without all your medications to keep you going. Or alive. You might not be able to afford any or all those pills.
Or maybe it’s just food on the table, or gas in the car. Of course, someone in your family might need a hospital someday. Where’s the money coming from?
The rich and powerful? That’s a joke.
Let’s go back to Social Security. You’re paying for it. The same as if you’re depositing part of your pay in the savings account. How would you feel if the Republicans wanted to play games with your savings account? Some choice words there? That’s what they’re talking about doing with your Social Security.
As you place the ballot in the box with one hand, keep the other in your pocket to protect that cash that was designated for retirement from going to your Republican friends who really don’t give a damn about you.
What are you blaming the Democrats for? Their biggest problem is they’re poor marketers. They whine. They cry. They complain. Why? I don’t know. But I can tell you they have all the goods. It’s enviable. But they’re blowing it. And that’s what can affect you.
If they lose, you lose and I lose. You’ll pay the price. And so will I. And your family. And mine. For decades. And maybe the world situation will implode. Friends could become enemies. And enemies friends. And what about all the prospects to buy our products.
Words like truth. And honesty. And integrity are meaningless now. Anger. Fear. Hostility. Lies. They’re the communication tools of the day.
At one time, helping hands were not unusual. Now if your neighbor belongs to a different political party, there’s not even an “Hello.”
It wasn’t always about Me. We worked. And wanted to work. Our politicians didn’t go around telling us what books to read. What God to pray to. What women could do with their bodies. Immigrants helped build this country. Probably your ancestors.
The shell is off the nuts. It’s making a lot of noise. It can be heard around the world.
All this is something to chew on.
Photo 17345911 © Olga Popova |