Ann Romney is telling fellow Republicans to stop it with the criticism of her husband (via The Huffington Post):
WASHINGTON — Ann Romney rebuked Republican critics of her husband in two media appearances on Thursday, telling them to “stop it.”
The wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, during a sit-down interview with CBS 59 in Milwaukee, was asked about the second-guessing within the GOP’s tent over the campaign.
“You know there is always sniping and everyone always thinks they are the best critic, and they know this and they know that,” she said. “And you know what, it is really amazing to me that people forget that what this election really is about is the economy.”
In an interview with Radio Iowa, she was more forceful.
“Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring,” she said. “This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”
And good for you Mrs. Romney. Because I expect nothing otherwise (regarding your defense of your husband). You’ve been married for 43 years to the man you love. And hearing criticisms from your husband’s political opponents is tough. But when they are coming from the your own side, well it triple stings. First Ladies and First Lady candidates are many times unfairly criticized because of their defense of their husbands. Because it frequently comes from the heart and in matters of the heart, there will be many moments of “inelegance”. It’s a reason why I push the vast majority of comments made by First Ladies and First Lady candidates to the way back burner. Because they are not running for the Big Office and they are not relevant to the office. So when I heard Ann Romney’s comments, it didn’t even register on my critique radar. But I know many are going to be critical of her remarks, which is their right. It just won’t be me.
On another note, anyone that continues to view Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program as some nefarious, communist government program to program brainwash American children needs to get on the next Atlas V rocket to Mars and don’t come back. There is NOTHING nefarious, weird, crazy, un-American, anti-American, stupid, dumb, insane, etc about what she is doing with Let’s Move. Everything she says is what doctors consult and advise people on everyday. And since I have two teenage daughters and an elementary school son, seeing the amount of overweight and obese children IS NOT a good sign for us. We should all be proud that we have a First Lady that practices what she preaches regarding physical fitness and eating more healthy:

How about this, let’s give First Lady Michelle Obama and First Lady Candidate Ann Romney a pass this campaign season. I know it will be tough but how about a little tempering of the criticism, eh? Besides there’s just SO much more to needle President Barack Obama and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney about.
I’m not complex. Don’t have time for all that. And all that complex stuff bad for the stomach. Just color me simple and plain with a twist.