Even some of the most ardent birthers, even some of the most seasoned Obama haters, even The Donald, are giving up their crusade against the President, after he released the original, official, genuine, full, long-form, state of Hawaii, U.S. birth certificate.
But not birther queen Orly Taitz.
She appeared before a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, California, yesterday to tell the judges that that the long-form birth certificate released by Obama is “not a true and correct image;” that the certificate “had been doctored;” that it is “very inventive computer art;” that it has been falsified…
Taitz and other birthers are desperately trying to revive an old, frivolous and failed lawsuit that was dismissed in 2009 by U.S. District Judge David Carter.
It is not known when the 9th Circuit Court judges will rule on this latest charade.
What is known, is that the object of these people’s hate and scorn is a natural born U.S. citizen, is the legitimate President of our country and is the man who was finally able to catch and kill the perpetrator of the most heinous attack on Americans, on American soil, in our history.
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Image, courtesy mediaite.com