I found it very, very humorous to actually see a Fox owned TV station reporter writing an article entitled “America’s anger epidemic: why?“. I’d have to guess that many so-called conservatives are angry because of the break between their delusions and the real world. For a clue as to how they feel about things you only have to read the comments on this article and realize that these views are amazingly common in their echo chamber, which Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and their clones have created. I’ve long thought that a good article about this could be called “The Comments Section”. Behold just a few comments that represent hundreds of similar ones on this article. And it’s the same on many other outlets. Then some people wonder why I have very little respect for those who claim to be conservatives nowadays in this country.
Seriously? WHY are we angry!? The Left is actually succeeding in destroying this country and no matter what we do we can’t seem to stop them. Obama creates any laws he wishes to, by fiat. Obama’s eliminated the ability for the minority party to challence the appointment of judges. Obama’s DESTROYED healthcare. We can’t get jobs. Now Obama is pushing amnesty and carbon tax? And he’s working on plans to pretty much eliminate the Second Amendment. And there’s ultimatley NOTHING we can do at all about any of it. ..really? You have to ASK why Americans are angry? We’re being deprived of ANY form of recourse to address this uspurper by legal means. HECK, in the final insult, Democrats even manipulate the elections. Why WOULDN’T Americans be angry?
Hey John Robin, Newsflash. WE DO VOTE. But all the DEAD people and ILLEGAL ALIENS voting for the democrats void our vote. If you can’t win honestly then lie cheat and steal. The liberals motto.
…the elections are rigged. There are three companies in the US that manufacture electronic voting machine and all of them have former CIA deputy directors on their boards. What does that tell you?
When people who work for a living are outnumbered by parasites who vote for a living, democracy dies. The piece of $h!t in the White House has no concept of the rule of law, he breaks whichever ones he doesn’t like and fails to enforce the rest and them stops states like ARIZONA from enforcing laws he is supposed to enforce and doesn’t. Americans are furious, not just angry.
When the Democrats steal elections, voting seems less and less like an option.
When the sitting administration has the census department manipulate the unemployment figures right before the election to make the administration look better, its enough to fool a sizable group of people…enough to swing an election, which is exactly what they did. America COULD have had a fairly moderate businessman in the White House, but no, with a series of small tricks, targeted cheating in swing state districts and a certain percentage of the nation addicted to welfare, they managed to keep this radical administration in power. And the damage it is doing to the nation increases daily.
I vote, but a lot of people don’t do it by mail, so they walk to the polls where they’re intimidated by thugs brandishing clubs. Or people supporting this President vote multiple times.
“Always cheat, always win” was meant for gunfights, not for democratic elections.
It was too hard to over come the almost twenty million fraudulent votes Obama received in 2012,
I honestly believe that America will eventually fall as a nation. We will most likely be taken over by China and/or Russia which are now beginning to exceed us in every aspect. We are allowing a sick warped minority of radical liberals to control the entire country and do as they please.
One day people will say that America was a nice experiment in liberty and freedom that lasted a few hundred years. So very sad because it does not have to be that way.
Voting?? Voting?? When in the last election, in 5 counties in Florida (the only 5 that he carried in the state), Obama got from 105%-158% of the REGISTERED voters – In Pennsylvania Obama got 100% of the vote – 100% of the vote (which is statically impossible) – we (Florida) elected Sen. Marco Rubio, who ran against amnesty AND when he got to DC promptly embraced amnesty! Yes, we need to vote – but – no more electronic voting – paper ballots with the results counted and read in public!!!
Try voting? Why bother. The SYSTEM IS RIGGED !!! Besides, it won’t make any difference when we’re GIVEN A CHOICE BETWEEN THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. There is NO DIFFERENCE between Dumbocraps and Repugnants. And, its impossible for ANYONE ELSE to be included in the debates. Does this answer your question? One only needs to consider what happened to Ron Paul in the previous two elections. HE WAS BLACK BALLED by the Lamestream Media so as to NEVER give him a chance. Had he been given half a chance, HE’D BE OUR PRESIDENT. Nuff said.