For those of us who love our Blackberry devices (my Blackberry Storm has made me too organized) and love blogging, WordPress has given us another reason to love our Blackberries even more:
Yes it is public beta mode right now, still in development, and has some bugs but I have to say one word: COOL!
Yeah yeah… I’m displaying my inner geek (well protected in the body of an offensive lineman with all the aggressiveness therein). But the inner geek as won the day with this new application by WordPress. Check out the video below to see it in action or click HERE to download it (provided you use WordPress for you blog of course). I may start a “Roving Blackberry Report” here on The Moderate Voice. HMMM…
I’m not complex. Don’t have time for all that. And all that complex stuff bad for the stomach. Just color me simple and plain with a twist.