There is a bear in the woods. For some, the bear is easy to see, others don’t see it all. That bear is an impending second American Civil War.
Many have joked about the prospect of a third Trump term. But the very idea of Trump being elected even once seemed like a joke, until it happened. There is currently a GOP congressman attempting to pass legislation to allow President Trump to seek a third term. If President Trump does attempt to secure a third term, this could pave the way to another Civil War. Before a second Civil War can erupt on a national stage, there will be two separate, smaller civil wars. Each will be within the two major political parties. There already is a civil war occurring within the GOP, which is between election deniers vs those who admit Biden won 2020 like former Congresswoman Liz Cheney.
The groundwork for a Civil War within the Democratic party has already been set. In New York City, Mayor Adams recently returned from taking time off after feeling “unwell.” Rumors are accumulating that former Governor Cuomo may return to politics -in the form of a mayoral candidate. Prior to COVID, Cuomo was hardly a favorite of the left. Cuomo had once had countless adversaries. They despised his economic policies. They despised how he “inherited” the Governorship from his father, the late Mario Cuomo. And all these adversaries came from Cuomo’s own party. One example of this is how during his second term as Governor, Cuomo was greeted by angry protesters who were outraged by his support for Amazon. COVID magically changed all that. Less than five years ago, countless Democrats suddenly decided Governor Cuomo was the man destined to be the leader of their party, and the country. Many were calling for Cuomo to run for President in 2020. Cuomo even managed to gain the support of some progressives who ordinarily would never support a centrist like him. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow labeled Cuomo “The President of the COVID Response.”
It is unclear how much magic Cuomo has left, if any. And it is also unclear just how much magic would be needed to pull off a primary challenge. In his post-Governor years, Cuomo appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher. Cuomo was one of the first Democrats to dare criticize the “Defund the Police” movement.
If Cuomo does in fact challenge Mayor Adams, regardless of who wins, it will set the stage for a civil war within the Democratic party across the country. It will not just be between the radical left and centrists. It will not just be between those who capitalized on the original anti-police movement and those brave enough to not participate in it. It will be between those who claim to only seek new faces and “old school” Democrats like Cuomo. The one aspect the civil war within the Republican party and the Democratic party will have in common is it will be between those who believe the truth and those who don’t. It will be between those who accept reality and those who don’t. It will be between those who have surrendered their intelligence to false news and social media and those who have not.
ID 336191421 | Democratic Party Donkey ©
José Manuel Veiga del Pino |