That was a question which popped up during this morning’s edition of Morning Joe on MSNBC, during a Q&A between the crew and Chuck Todd. On the surface it sounds like a fairly unlikely premise, as the two men are about as far apart as they could be. But are they really? I decided to do some digging and you may be surprised to find out that these two might actually have been separated at birth.
One of the most trusted indicators of similarity between people is, of course, biometrics. A trusted expert in this field,, has already done the heavy lifting for us. As you’ll see from the chart below, the two men are almost mirror images of each other.
But doesn’t the public perception of the men point to exactly how different they are? Well, not as much as one might think. Their appeal to some groups while inspiring revulsion among others seems to hit exactly the opposite demographics, but the ferocity of these feelings and complete lack of crossover are once again seen as opposite ends of the same bell curve. It’s no secret how conservatives feel about Moore, while he is lionized by many liberals, particularly in the more strident, anti-war left segments. How does Rush rate in the public eye? Gallup conducted a poll on that very subject and the results probably won’t come as much of a surprise.
Much like Moore, Rush is a huge hit among his own base, but pretty much despised by independents and Democrats. Other similarities abound. Liberals remain vexed over Limbaugh’s dominance of talk radio, while endeavors such as Air America would likely reach more people using two Dixie Cups and a piece of piano wire. Conservatives are enraged over that fact that Fahrenheit 911 was the most successful documentary at the box office of all time, but Rejected barely took in enough money to pay Ben Stein’s salary.
I think the Morning Joe team may be on to something. Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore are actually fraternal twins who were put up for adoption at birth, but raised in wildly different environmental circumstances. Hey… you just read it on the internet. It must be true.