When someone needs help, most people want to reach out and offer assistance. This might be through actions, such as making a casserole or sending flowers. Others, like my mother, believe prayer makes a difference. When I was a child, every time an ambulance went by, my mother would say, “Janie, send a prayer for the person in the ambulance.” Prayer involves doing something internally for the benefit of someone else.
For years I have been interested in healing and sending energy. Over the years, I have learned there are various techniques for sending healing to someone in need. During my first year of teaching, I attended a two-weekend seminar created by Jose Silva. Today it is called the Silva Method. We learned to visualize someone in need already healed. Since then, I have often sent out positive energy, light or healing to someone ill or in need. Many times, the people I have
visualized healing for have gotten better. Although I have no scientific way of proving it, I feel that my positive intentions have been useful. However, until last week, I’ve never had such a direct, beneficial experience of someone sending me positive energy. Let me tell you this story:
Two weekends ago I attended a three-day T’ai Chi workshop at a local college. We were warming up before the seminar actually began. I was with two others in a little group holding a standard warmup position. We stood with our feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Our arms were in front of us creating a circle, with our elbows lower than our hands. For this posture, our chests were slightly sunken, our heads were upright and our tailbones pointed to the ground. The idea was to hold this position for a period of time. I mentioned to the women beside me how much I have always disliked this position. My arms always hurt, and my rounded back is always uncomfortable. But suddenly, something was different. I was amazed! I felt so good. My body was so relaxed. Astounding––having my arms in the rounded position was actually pleasurable. I felt like I could hold that position forever. When we stopped, I said, “That was amazing. How was that possible?” A woman whose nametag said Nancy replied, “I was sending you energy.”
This experience made such a big impression on me. I believed that the transfer of healing energy was possible, but this experience brought the concept to a whole new level. I felt it. Now, I knew the practice worked. I had experienced it.
Whether sending healing to another is called light, energy, visualization, or prayer, the intent is the same. Certainly, it is always about the desire to help another.
Republished from Jane Knox’s blog The Ageless Goddess