Pigs really do fly. That is according to flight attendant Patricia Leung, who was interviewed by Yahoo Canada for a story titled Ask The Expert: Can your outfit get you a flight upgrade? Flight attendants reveal airline secrets.
When asked what are the weirdest items that people bring on a flight, Leung gave this response:
Leung doesn’t say if the pig she saw was using a cell phone to do business with Geico.
Flight attendant Dunia Harati answered the same question this way:
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a snake on a flight going to or from Washington, D.C., but I digress.
Cosmopolitan magazine has a story in which flight attendants share their own tales about craziness on flights. Here is one such tale:
Perhaps Will Ferrell’s dad should lay of the sauce before flying anywhere.
The Man Repeller website features this comment from a flight attendant: “So, to anyone reading this, please remember one thing: Do not flush the toilet on an airplane while you’re still sitting on it.” Click here to learn why.
So, the next time that you fly anywhere, be nice to the flight attendants. They have to put up with pigs, snakes, elves and passengers stuck to toilets.
Oh, if one of the flight attendants happens to be Elaine Dickinson, then you might want to buy flight insurance from Geico before take-off. If you don’t know how, then ask a pig for instructions.
For more stories from flight attendants, read . . .
Reader’s Digest: The 15 Craziest Things Flight Attendants Have Seen on the Job
Sky Park Secure: The 5 Funniest Flight Attendant Stories of 2019
Buzz Feed: 14 Wild Things Flight Attendants Have ACTUALLY Experienced On The Job

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”