The New York Magazine, pointing to the same story in the Christian Science Monitor we linked to yesterday, says that the Egyptian Corpse-Sex Law probably is not real:
We say probably because even the doubters have been unable to provide conclusive evidence yet. But they — the Christian Science Monitor’s Dan Murphy and readers of Andrew Sullivan’s blog, for example — point out that the story is entirely predicated on an opinion column written by a loyalist of Hosni Mubarak who presumably has a motive to embarrass the Islamists who have taken control of Parliament in the wake of Mubarak’s downfall…
Read those readers opinions here
I had never heard of this. I had never even thought of this. I had never even imagined this.
But apparently there is even a name for this barbaric, disgusting act. It is called Necrophilia.
It is being reported all over the internet.
It is not clear to me whether it is a hoax.
Decide for yourself here, but also read here, and let us hope the Christian Science Monitor is correct.
The author is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and a writer.