On that dreadful Saturday afternoon of January 8, I along with so many others started blogging on the tragedy in Tucson.
My first “report” quoting the Washington Post was, in part:
According to a local news report, Giffords was shot in the head at point-blank range. She was taken to University Medical Center in Tucson; her condition was not immediately known.
As we all remember, early reports were that the Congresswoman had been killed.
Fortunately, my first “update” to the story was:
After reports that the Congresswoman had died, Fox now reports that Giffords may still be alive, in surgery, in critical condition.
Let’s pray this report is correct.
And, thank God, the report was correct.
Since that day I have been updating the story almost daily trying to leave finger pointing and politics aside and focusing on the miraculous recovery of Gabrielle Giffords.
I have been doing such via “comments” on the original story—almost 100 of them.
From the number of “views,” almost 1500 to-date, I do believe that our readers are interested, as much as I am, in the Congresswoman’s recovery.
But it is time to change the title of the vehicle being used to bring you such updates.
So, instead of commenting as part of the post titled “Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson,” I will post such updates as comments to this post, “The Recovery of Gabrielle Giffords.”
I hope you’ll stay with me marveling at the mettle of this wonderful lady and the miracles of modern medicine.