Extra attention to a few Centrist blogs.
The Gun Toting Liberal congratulates “the democrats for (almost) keeping their promise to the American people.” He adds, though that he is far from willing to endorse the Democratic party because it has committed “too much collective treason in this country”. If the Democrats think that they can now relax… they are mistaken.
Dick Polman on the White House’s decision to “voluntarily submit their surveillance requests to the special court, as mandated by federal law”… and Bush’s credibility.
Andrew Sullivan has part one up of “a debate from 1969… with themes directly relevant for today” between William F. Buckley and Noam Chomsky. He also links to the second part. Because I recommend it so highly I will publish the first video here as well:
Jeremy Dibbell writes that Rice ‘told the New York Times on Friday that recent actions against Iranian operatives in Iraq were authorized by a presidential order issued “several months ago.”‘ He calls this development “troubling in the extreme”.
Jeff Jarvis wonders whether there should be limits to whom ‘we’ make fun of. Triggered by American Idol.
Sean Aqui on the ethics bill. There is – thus writes Sean – still a lot of work to be done, but it’s a good sign “that lobbyists worked so hard to derail the bill. It’s not a solution, but it’s a step forward.”