Take a look at the following screenshot from The Hill website, and see if you can spot the mistake.
If you can’t find the mistake in the above image, then see if you can find it in this next image.
If you can’t figure out what the mistake is, then here is a hint.
It appears as if The Hill employs someone who travels in this:
On The Hill home page, the story about Sarah Palin states, “Sarah Palin joined Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday.” The story itself starts by saying, “Sarah Palin joined Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, after the cancellation of another event with the GOP presidential front-runner.”
There is just one problem with the above quoted statements. That story about Sarah Palin was published on Monday, March 14th.
The story reads as if Marty McFly wrote it.
Do you suppose that the same writer can tell us who won the 2016 World Series?

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”