“The stench of Clinton corruption is back.” That is the assessment of The Federalist senior editor David Harsanyi. His assessment is a response to FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.
Although stench isn’t how Democrats would label anything pertaining to Clinton, plenty of Americans do not consider her honest, as The Washington Post reveals:
Public polls show that many voters do not trust Clinton and that the email controversy already has harmed her political standing. Polls consistently show that roughly two-thirds of Americans do not consider Clinton “honest and trustworthy” – typically her lowest rating in a series of attribute questions.
The Atlantic associate editor Clare Foran has her own assessment of Clinton’s situation:
If nothing else, the FBI findings read like a rebuke that Clinton should have known better. For that reason, the investigation could undermine Clinton’s case that her judgment makes her better suited to be president. Comey explicitly said that though there was not “clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” The accusation of carelessness may undercut Clinton’s case that she, unlike Trump, is an experienced and steady hand, capable of keeping the nation safe. The charge also threatens to feed suspicions harbored by her opponents that the Democratic candidate doesn’t think the rules apply to her. That, in turn, could further erode public confidence in Clinton.
In the 07/05/16 edition of her TV show, Megyn Kelly demonstrates that public statements made by Clinton about her e-mail contradict the findings of the FBI:
When Kelly asked Brit Hume for his analysis of the FBI Director’s public statement, Hume replied that “Comey’s statement just blew up this tissue of lies that has been told by Secretary Clinton throughout this case.”
Hillary Clinton may have escaped federal prosecution, but, as Mel Brooks’ King Richard would say, Clinton has surrounded her given name with a foul stench.
From this day forth all the toilets in this nation should be know as Hillarys.

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”