Coming on the heels of Hillary Clinton escaping prosecution for her gross negligence as a government official, we now have a report of Nancy Pelosi appearing to be above the law.
In a letter to the editor of the St. Helena Star (a Napa Valley publication), St. Helena resident Paul Smith recounts what he witnessed when Pelosi went shopping for shoes on 06/04/16:
When the newspaper asked St. Helena Police Chief Bill Imboden to respond to Smith’s letter, Imboden replied with the following:
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Pelosi’s spokesman is denying that Pelosi’s driver did anything wrong:
Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill confirmed that his boss was in Napa County on the weekend in question, but insisted that Smith had gotten it wrong. “This is not at all an accurate account,” he said without elaborating. “The security detail always complies with appropriate laws and regulations.”
St. Helena’s villagers responded to Hammill this way:
The San Francisco Chronicle elaborates:
Imboden told us that Pelosi visits St. Helena a lot — she and her husband have a winery just outside town — and that her security detail at times plays fast and loose with the traffic laws. But Pelosi’s isn’t the only one, he said — it happens with other VIPs as well. “Typically, they turn where they want to, or double park, or park in red zones … and in front of fire hydrants,” the chief said. “But I’ve never seen them in a handicapped zone.” These antics “happen occasionally, and it makes us cringe a little,” Imboden said. “It’s not something we would do, but it’s not something we can stop them from doing.”
Who knew that it was of vital national interest for Pelosi to buy high-end designer shoes?

The “Wanted” posters say the following about David: “Wanted: A refugee from planet Melmac masquerading as a human. Loves cats. If seen, contact the Alien Task Force.”