The brain-dead headline says it all:
Why Would Obama Nominate an Old White Guy to the Supreme Court?
Brian Beutler / New RepublicThere are a few reasons. Political calculation isn’t one of them. — President Barack Obama’s decision to nominate Merrick Garland, a 63-year-old white moderate and perennial short-lister, to the Supreme Court …
Really? Have we come so far down the road of “diversity” that the only thing that matters is race?
Well, baby klanswomen and klansmen of the Pee Cee: Garland isn’t white. He’s a JEW.
Worse, his mother, wife and daughters are Jews TOO. (Remember, “Jewishness” is passed matrilineally.)
What? You ask. Isn’t a Jew a White Man?
No, Virginia. No he’s not. Ask any Jewish male in America and he’ll tell you: the old Antisemitism still lurks, as virulent as it was in the days of “covenants” that guaranteed that no white home owner would ever sell his white home to a filthy JEW.
Or look at the treatment of creepy old Jack Warner by the even creepier Nixon White House: he could almost be a Republican “insider” but no matter what he did, he was still … a JEW.
Hell, listen to the Watergate Tapes. Nixon’s Antisemitism is clear and clean and unmistakable.
So don’t pretend that a Jew is a White Man. There are too many drops of Jewish blood in the water to whitewash that crazy notion.
If you’re going to be a racist, at least get your races right. (Otherwise, you look even more a fool than you look already. )
After a lifetime of watching people being accused of Antisemitism, and having worked to stop that same stupidity, I cannot believe that thousands of years of prejudice and intolerance are summarily jettisoned because … we want to SCREAM AND RAIL AGAINST THE BLACK MAN NOT NOMINATING A “minority.”
Well, kiddies, Jews are DEFINITELY a minority. In fact, MEN are a minority.
But that’s not really the point, is it?
Pee Cee BS has reached such dizzying heights of “tolerance” that we are significantly MORE obsessed with race and ancestry than the KKK was in its first, second or third incarnations. EVERYTHING is about race. Everything is about “minority” status. Not even a scintilla of the old notions of equality, or justice being “color blind” are now even given lip service.
And that is not merely a social tragedy, it is a crime against the very notion of diversity.
Here we are in the election season, trading generalized racial and ethnic groups like boys used to trade baseball cards: Hey! I got two Asian-American women. Can I trade for two African American men? Or how about I give you two Asian-American women for one Latino and two other religious cultists to be named later?
This is beneath us, but I promise you, bringing it up will be MORE controversial than conveniently turning a Jewish jurist into a “White Man” for the purposes of Politically Correct racism and bigotry. Remember: PRO-somebody bigotry is just as pernicious as ANTI-somebody bigotry, both based merely on demographic and superficial similarities.
Is Merrick Garland “white”?
Funny: I recently watched Gregory Peck in “Gentleman’s Agreement” where he pretended to be Jewish to do an undercover newspaper story on prejudice and Antisemitism. I am POSITIVE that every Jew in that film would laugh themselves silly to hear a Jew called a “White Man” just to further some notion of racial prejudice based on gender and skin color that actively discriminates against all “White Men” in favor of minorities to be named later.
And that’s what this is. They don’t even bother naming their preferred “races” or racial candidates. Just ANYBODY but a “white man.”
Well, this may not be a lot of things, but one thing it is is anti-American, and an affront to ANY notions that the self evident truth “all [hu]men are created equal.”
And using the devil’s tools for godliness never worked.
A word to the wise ought to be sufficient, but it won’t be.
This is nothing less than a fundamental betrayal of the whole notion of equality and meritocracy. And when you remove them from the IDEA that is America, there isn’t much left except a lot of bunting.
If you are going to be a racist — even for supposedly “correct” and “right thinking” reasons — at least have the good grace to get your races right. Garland can’t be a “White Man” for purposes of racialist contortions about race and, in many of the same fora, be quietly decried because now the Supreme Court will be dominate by Catholics and Jews.
Set phasers to “stun” and sheet color to “white.”
So I might as well stop here while you limber up your pitchforks and torches to attack the boy who claimed that a “white man” wasn’t a Jew — for any purposes of racialized generalization, stereotyping and mindless bigotry in the name of anti-bigotry.
Next up: atheism in service to God. Be there.
This is unacceptable and Mr. Beutler needs to be sneered at with all the derision we can muster.
Racism is NEVER cool.

A writer, published author, novelist, literary critic and political observer for a quarter of a quarter-century more than a quarter-century, Hart Williams has lived in the American West for his entire life. Having grown up in Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico, a survivor of Texas and a veteran of Hollywood, Mr. Williams currently lives in Oregon, along with an astonishing amount of pollen. He has a lively blog, His Vorpal Sword (no spaces) dot com.